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Fencing Clubs in Sheffield

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The Society for the Study of Swordsmanship has a chapter (group) in Sheffield. We are currently studying longsword, rapier and sabre (military rather than sports).


Just search online for "Society for the Study of Swordsmanship"


We meet on Wednesday evenings and occasional Saturdays and always welcome beginners, guests or anyone interested in coming and having a look at what we do, on the first Wednesday of the month. (Adults only)


The SSS is a study group focussing on the techniques and weapons of western martial arts. We are a diverse bunch and some of our members are also interested in re-enactment, stage combat and LARP (although others like me just like to turn up once a week to engage in some swordplay!).


There is some club kit available for use.


Feel free to contact us at sheffield@ssswordsmanship.co.uk or post any questions here.


Look out for us at Sheffield Fayre.

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  • 2 years later...

By way of an update to my previous post....


Our Western Martial Arts classes are on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm until 9.00pm at the Sheffield Jesus Centre, Broomspring Lane, Sheffield S10 2FB. The first month of classes is completely free, after that its £20 per month (correct as at 2014/15) with a pay as you go option if you prefer.


web: http://www.weaponskills.org.uk

email: info@weaponskills.org


Western Martial Arts covers many forms of combat practiced throughout Western Europe and throughout history. It is usually associated with systems from the medieval and renaissance periods and can cover combat styles and weaponry used in warfare, and those used by civilians for duelling or self defence. Europe has a strong martial tradition (or a bloody and violent history depending on your perspective!) so there is no shortage of material from which we can extract techniques and recreate these arts.


We currently study:

Longsword (a two-handed sword used in late medieval Europe)

Rapier (a single-handed thrusting weapon from the Renaissance period)

Staff (following a traditional rune based European system, aka Stáv)

Dussack (A short, curved, training weapon similar to a Cutlass)


Some of our members also have experience in other combat forms such as smallsword, sabre, pugilism, tomahawk, cane/walking stick and more, and we revisit these systems from time to time.


Come along and give it a try!


We have 2 qualified (IL1) instructors and are members of the British Federation for Historical Swordplay (BFHS).

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