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BBC Children In Need - an undeserving charity?

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Tomorrow night it's BBC Children In Need again, in which the BBC is using our money to pay Z list celebrities to do stupid things on TV for charity. As usual gullible people will be phoning in to give their bank details cos they've been made to feel guilty.


I've got two beefs with this. The first is that no child's life has been made better by throwing money at it. The only thing children are in need of is love and discipline by their parents, not having cash thrown at them.


Secondly why don't the BBC vary it every year? Maybe have Animals In Need one year, Old People In Need another and so on? There are many different deserving charities and most people don't have much cash to spare so for one charity to hog the limelight is unfair.


So no I won't be donating and if I see anyone dressed as Tarzan in a bath of baked beans I'll try to drown them in it! :hihi:

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Tomorrow night it's BBC Children In Need again, in which the BBC is using our money to pay Z list celebrities to do stupid things on TV for charity. As usual gullible people will be phoning in to give their bank details cos they've been made to feel guilty.


I've got two beefs with this. The first is that no child's life has been made better by throwing money at it. The only thing children are in need of is love and discipline by their parents, not having cash thrown at them.


Secondly why don't the BBC vary it every year? Maybe have Animals In Need one year, Old People In Need another and so on? There are many different deserving charities and most people don't have much cash to spare so for one charity to hog the limelight is unfair.


So no I won't be donating and if I see anyone dressed as Tarzan in a bath of baked beans I'll try to drown them in it! :hihi:


I'm pretty sure that by throwing money at charities it will enable them to employ carers to take these children out of the current predicament? I don't think the general idea is to knock at children's houses and wave £50 notes in their face.


It is somewhat cringe worthy, but I'd rather we help our own kids in trouble before sending money to Africa where it will be used to further increase the fortune of corrupt officials.

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Pay z list celebrities? Any proof of this? As far as i know they do it for free/publicity/public goodwill.


Well Terry Wogan is paid for a start.



And while they may say no-one else is, I bet a few of the featured acts will be a bit crafty with their expenses; to say nothing of the sales the free plugs for their latest single/DVD/tour most "celebrites" will get.


And are you really saying that a child that is regularly beaten "just needs love and discipline" - yeah more discipline is really needed.


We already have something called Social Services which is funded by our taxes that fulfils the role of protected mistrated children. Have you heard of it?

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no child's life has been made better by throwing money at it. The only thing children are in need of is love and discipline by their parents, not having cash thrown at them.


Just one of hundreds of CIN funded projects:




Love and discipline wouldn't have built a youth club.


Some more here:




Personally, I hate the televised evening though. It's cringeworthy - especially newsreaders doing their "turn". And don't get me started on the R2 auction that Wogan has been hosting this week, some good posts on the R2 messageboard:



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GordonBennet wrote,We already have something called Social Services which is funded by our taxes that fulfils the role of protected mistrated children. Have you heard of it?

Have you heard of Baby P?


Yes I have but what's your point? Are you saying that if we'd all donated to Children In Need then Baby P would be alive today? :loopy:

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Tend to agree with the OP on this!


Every year we, the generous public, give millions - yet each time they're all like "you need to give more this year, you have to beat last time".


And no, we can't prove that the presenters/celebrities don't get paid to take part, it's not something anyone's ever going to admit to is it? Doesn't mean they don't though, just depends on what you want to believe.


The whole televised event turns my stomach, as does the obligatory 'wackiness' of people who do things to raise money. I'd give money to someone with a bit of dignity, who perhaps had some personal experience of what the charity involved; not to some attention-seeking idiot who shakes a bucket in your face dressed as Andy Pandy :D

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