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When the First World War broke out Hitler said.

"Overpowered by stormy enthusiasm- I fell down

on my knees and thanked heaven for granting me

the good fortune of being permitted to live at this time".


Cpl. Adolph 'Adi' Hitler. 1889 -1945.


Hitler was rescued from his drifting life,

By rumblings of war and oncoming strife,

Germany not Austria his leanings were bent,

His spirits lifted by this awesome event.


The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,

By a man named Princip from Serbian land,

Austro-Hungary attacked the Serbs.

Then Russia and France called on reserves.


Belgian nuetrality the Germans ignored,

The British lion -awakened then roared,

Hitler signing for Bavarian command,

Overcome with enthusiasm for his adopted land.


For Hitler the army a base and a home,

Stopping his restless urge to roam,

With the 'List' regiment he first saw war,

At Ypres in Belgium he started his tour.


Decorated early, in this vicious war,

The Iron Cross 2nd class he very soon wore.

Competent, courageous, alert and keen,

A credit to any fighting machine.


Between actions quietly reserved,

Drawing and philosophy studiously observed,

No presents or cards at Christmas time,

His pet dog 'Foxl' suited him fine.


Surviving Ypres and making his name,

The battle at Somme his next little game,

A wound in the leg caused him to fall,

Convalescing, his nature, not suited at all.


Back in action for the last great push,

Heading for Paris in a desperate rush,

Nearly, the name of this little game,

A desperate attempt before Americans came.


A First Class Iron Cross Hitlers reward,

A Jewish officer gave the award,

At the second Ypres in a gas attack,

Partly blinded - he would be back.


Jobee a coy 3 para

The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to

Commissioned officers.





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When I say I love you then,

Would you care to hear again

Your face reveals nought to me,

I feel I need to find some key.


Im okay within myself,

Would you care to trouble your self,

Ever thought to lower your pride,

Put personal feelings to one side.


Ever thought to be a girl ,

With mind and body in a whirl,

To walk and talk then jest with me,

We'll sit beside some country tree.


Holding hands and being nice,

Let our lips touch once or twice,

I'll just admire your lovely face,

As bodies touch in warm embrace.


Lets sit beside that country pond,

Where you walk and seem so fond,

Where water boatmen skip and play,

Protected from the heat of day.


By weeping willows and fronded trees,

Swaying gently in evenings breeze,

Watch ripples form and circle out,

And baby ducks go walk about.


See speckled sunlight filter down,

On shimmering water that makes us frown,

And rustling reeds that gently sway,

Could it be where fairies play?.


Tomorrow then do you agree?

I'll meet you by the village tree,

We'll walk and talk and kiss again,

When I say, I love you then.



Love this poem,very romantic.:)

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Jobee a coy 3 para

The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to

Commissioned officers.


So you fought in the 2nd World War Jobee? and got an award, I don't remember the war, I was born in 1943. :)

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Jobee a coy 3 para

The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to

Commissioned officers.


So you fought in the 2nd World War Jobee? and got an award, I don't remember the war, I was born in 1943. :)


No I am to young for that, i served in the parachute regiment tho'

and got the 'general service medal' here is a brief account.




In 1956 British parachute troops

and French Foreign legion Paratroops

attacked Port Said in Egypt.

I took part in that attack.



Suez. the reasons why.


Nasser up to his age old tricks,

closing the Straits of Tiran for kicks,

pouring verbal abuse at Jews,

trying to make the headline news.


Removing the British with great success,

the British rejoicing and saying God bless,

into their planes and boats and ships,

heading for blighty to fish and chips.


But Col Nasser had not finished yet,

Disraeli’s investment he had to get,

£4,000,000 we vested in this canal,

taxpayers money in this foreign channel.


I will close this canal company down

said Col Nasser without a frown

some honest Egyptian’s had their doubt

this is thieving they were heard to shout.


But close it down the mighty man did,

its all mine, there’s no need to bid,

not long after in a morning sky,

roaring engines were heard on high.


At a place called El Gamil ,

Egyptians asserted Nasser’s will,

the sound of shells and cordite smell,

men descending to a thunderous hell.


Ack ack and flack was poured at these troops,

but none of it mattered to these sturdy groups,

B companies men dropped over enemies heads,

alerting them to realities dreads.


Acrid smoke and cordite smell,

self propelled guns releasing shell,

streams of tracer searing a path,

fallen heroes in a bloody bath.


All because Nasser could not wait.

till that day in ‘68,

this worldly waterway would be his,

not one parent their son would miss.


To ALL those that fell at the battle of El Gamil.


[Jobee 3 Parachute Group. [primary source]




That first day.


Bonfire night 1956


Eleven years after world war two,

airborne troops were ask anew,

parachuting down on Egyption sand,

Major Walsh plays his hand.


With Pte.Eccles marking the spot,

control falls to the Majors plot,

two platoon with Coates in command,

attack a pillbox as was planned.


Clements fires a bazooka shot,

Egyption soldiers lose the plot,

hands up and out they show their face,

Binnsy marches them back to base,


Major Stevens and B coy’s men,

fall amidst a snipers den,

badly wounded in the hand,

the Major stays and keeps command.


Then they attack the sewage farm,

Cpl.Woods fall, causes alarm,

with Maj.Stevens wounded again,

Captain Beale takes the rein..


C coy.attack the cemetary then,

Major Norman and his men,

call and get air support,

to halt the danger snipers thwart,


Pte Beech with bren in hand,

dispatches a soldier in the sand,

the Egyption's bazooka failed to fire,

soldiers remember to attach that wire.


To Hms. Albion, we send good cheer.

for sending us those crates of beer,

Hms.Bulwark played their part,

to quench our thirst then depart..


Waiting for commando men,

C coy. took the cemetary then,

advanced still further to the flats,

henceforth stopping sniper attacks.


B.coy. then moved into the flats,

C.coy.then the barracks attacked,

the barracks fell with great success,

C.coy. occupied the officers mess.


A military success draws to a close,

but lets not forget those we opposed,

men on both sides were very brave,

in Britains small wars heroes are made.


Jobee.A coy.3 para.group [primary source]


My Commanding officer-Lt Colonel P.Crook[deceased]


My company commander Major 'mike' Walsh.


Later, Lt.General Mike Walsh.



Gamil Abdul Nasser

President of Egypt.

1918- 1970 .......


The postman’s wife gave birth to child,

Beni Morr village didn’t go wild,

another boy of peasant stock,

a scruffy urchin running amok.


no one saw no one cared,

with whom young Gamils thoughts were shared,

an active mind he noticed things,

golden bangles, golden rings.


from boy to youth with incumbent desire,

the military academy he did aspire,

with alacrity of mind the youth was blessed,

the officer class he quickly addressed.


as Major Nasser he first saw war,

when UN proposals they did ignore,

partition was offered the Arabs refused,

Israel from then belonged to the Jews.


Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians attacked,

all three armies Jews quickly sacked,

a complete calamity was the 48 war,

the Jews gained more land than catered for.


after this shocking military defeat,

Nasser advocated officers meet,

radical change was planned in the land,

a coup d'etat with Nequib in command.


two kings they removed to clear the way,

then declared a republic would hold sway,

the removal of Nequib they had to arrange,

he was not in favour of radical change.


and so at last ‘Al Rayess’ emerged,

with agrarian reform he quickly surged,

more equality he certainly achieved,

removing the British to which we agreed.


alas his great weakness was Israel,

Fedayeen attacks would never prevail,

in ‘56 his skin was saved ,

for U.S. intervention he must have prayed.


in 67 he had to resign,

his military prowess was proved benign.

the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and all,

his air force reduced to a fireball.


but luck indeed favours the brave,

the Arab people his skin would save,

rallying round when needed most,

breathing life into a military ghost.


in 1970 El Rayess would die,

the whole Arab world was seen to cry,

the postman’s son had died so young ,

in his short life liberation had sprung,


mistakes he made he would concede,

but beloved Egypt he had freed,

all in all we'd have to say.

young Jamal had won the day.


jobee. Acoy 3 para group.[Al Rayess/ Jamal]

other names for him.


Fedayeen- Egyptian Commandos



I can't remember Nasser winning any war he went into.

His country was flat broke when he died.

But the press seem to like him.




Guy Mollet


Guy Mollet became prime minister of a French coalition government in January 1956.

Later that year president Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt announced he intended to nationalize the Suez Canal.The shareholders, mainly British and French, ask for compensation. Nasser replied “let them choke on their tears”. The French and British

attacked, the canal was unblocked and compensation was duly paid up by 1963.


Guy Mollet. French Prime Minister 1956- May 1957.




Born in Flers of ordinary stock,

A textile factory his fathers lot.

But Guy was different in many ways,

Showing talent from early days.


A teacher’s job at Arras school,

Education his working tool.

When Hitler came he stood his ground,

Giving the Gestapo the run around.


French resistance his chosen task,

Many questions the Germans asked.

Three times captured then freed again,

Skilfully avoiding the Auchwitz train.


After the war the political game,

National Socialism his ultimate aim.

Leon Blum he worked for first,

Right wing politics they reversed.


In ’56 he reached his peak,

Thus for France, he could speak.

French PM he became,

Soon embroiled in Nasser’s game.


With Anthony Eden at his side

Twould soon be known far and wide,

The Suez Canal was open again,

Another successful military campaign.


Compensation duly paid,

After this highly skilfull raid.

Well done Anthony, well done Guy

Well done soldiers from the sky.



Leon Blum=First French[Jewish] PM




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Jobee a coy 3 para

The Iron Cross First Class normally only given to

Commissioned officers.


So you fought in the 2nd World War Jobee? and got an award, I don't remember the war, I was born in 1943. :)


No, HITLER who was only a corporal got the iron cross first class.
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No, HITLER who was only a corporal got the iron cross first class.


Sorry jobee :blush: As you can see history wasn't my forte. Solomon will be thrilled to bits when he sees your contribution, not only does the poetry remind you of something in life, but you actually wrote it and lived it. I hope jobee that you have a book of your work. Well done, this history written in poetry is truly excellent work :thumbsup:

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A Wish


Today at the park, I watched a boy

Pecking away at a computer toy

When near his face, a Faerie went by

And I smiled as I saw it catch his eye

"Mommy! I caught a wish!" he cried

And then I heard his mother sigh:

"That's not a wish. It's just a seed,

drifted from some noxious weed,

to plant itself, and then to breed.

Now isn't that just what we need?"

And I whispered, heartbroken, "indeed."


- Tresa Crane


Written about 10 years ago, while I was playing with my son at a park and watched a mother scold her child. At the time, it got me thinking about how we lose "magic" as we grow older, how it changes us, and how sad it is to rob a child of those moments that will be gone soon enough as is.

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The Oak


Don’t stare at me in winter time,

I’m just an oak tree not a pine,

Pines stay neatly dressed all year,

Come winters chill they have no fear.


From chilly winds and freezing snow,

That rack my bough from top to toe,

Pouring rain and biting sleet,

Unguarded trunk and branches meet.


Pines don’t have this awful stress,

Casting off a summer dress,

They don’t wear my worried frown,

As dancing leaves flutter down.


Changing partners on the way,

Acknowledging their final day,

Hello, goodbye, its time to quit,

No good sighing this is it.


Dance, be merry, twirl around,

Twist and flutter to the ground,

Make a carpet o so rich.

Block the farmer’s drainage ditch.


The pine looks on with nonchalant air,

Smartly dressed with not a care,

My silhouette is stark and bare,

To natures gaze and freezing air.


O how I wish I was a pine,

To hold these dying leaves of mine,

Don’t stare at me in winter time,

Come back in May and I'll be fine


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