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Solomon's poetry thread


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My name is Fred and I’m a big and fat brown sewer rat

I’m what the good Lord made me, you can be sure of that

Everybody hates me, though I’m sure I don’t know why

If people got to know me I’m a laid back kind of guy


Now there’s this guy I know of, Cyril is his name

He is a rodent too, but it’s somehow not the same

Maybe it s because of the nice bushy tail of Cyril

Or maybe it’ ‘cos Cagney never said ‘You dirty squirrel!’

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Someone earlier post a John Hegley poem. As a fan, i thought I'd share a couple more:






Pop and me


My dad had come along to watch me

the day I came last in the cub scout sack race;

the day my glasses fell off on to the running track

and somebody behind me

deliberately hopped on top of them

and damaged them really badly.

I was that

struggling runt at the back

laughed at by everyone,

everyone, except my dad.

And not because he had

a beating in mind

but because he felt for me.

And when he came to find me

and I was melting with tears

he said 'You're the one

they'll remember in the years to come, son,

you were very funny.'

And he took me to the shop

and ordered me some pop

and we halved the humiliation

when he didn't have the money.




An Owner's Complaint


I've got a dog that's more

like a carrot than a dog.

It's hairy,

but only very slightly.

It's got no personality

to speak of,

no bark to bark of,

no head

no legs

no tail

and it's all




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An uneasy glance across the room, a second glance none to soon

she’s looking at me that’s for sure, she’s very smart with much allure

the guys she's with seems to care, his arm around a waist that's bare

she turns him with his back to me, her eyes just say she can be free


An uneasy wriggle in my seat, where and when can we meet?

who is she then and what her name? I sure enjoy this flirting game

I reach the bar and get a drink, then ask the barmen who's that in pink?

he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, I haven’t a clue who she can be


I’m heading back to my seat, her lovely perfume my nostrils meet

I think he's twigged it I saw him glance, our sly glances spoiling the chance

he then heads her to the door, she gives that look what’s this for?

my stomach sinks we've lost our chance, a brief encounter has no romance.



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Saddam Hussein


Saddam Hussien.1937


Always a rebel was Saddam Hussein,

Determined to run this Iraqi domain,

Born in 37’ in the town of Tikrit,

Primary school he was to aquit.


For secondary school he went to Baghdad,

It wouldn’t be long for this ‘jack the lad’

Joining the Baath in 56,

Qassims regime he couldn’t yet fix.


One day in 59, he began to evolve,

His countries problems he tried to resolve,

Armed to the teeth and making no noise,

He opened up on Qassim and the boys.


The Primo was hit more than one time,

His bodyguard had, Saddam in line.

Young Saddam took a shot in the leg,

How he escaped the regime never said.


Saddam, reappeared on Syrian soil,

Sentenced to death for this turmoil.

Moving to Egypt and back to school.

Improving education, and staying cool.


Between journeys into Iraq,

education,would never lag,

a very good mind and quick to learn,

a degree in law,he was to earn.


In 64 he was charged and arrested,

His beloved Baath party the regime detested,

When in prison he was studious and quiet,

Then in 67 he escaped in a riot.


The real coup was in 68 ,

They drove a tank at the palace gate,

The coup d’etat was a complete success,

His country now , Saddam could address,


Kurds for autonomy they ask him to give,

As an independent nation they wanted to live,

He granted freedom, the extremists refused,

The Peshmerga violence was never defused.


In 1980 he attacked Iran.

Eight years of slaughter he began,

In 88 it came to an end.

The Iranians steadfast ,refusing to bend.


In 91 he took the lot on,

This should have been his swansong,

Instead ,he was ,allowed to survive,

I bet his own people wish he had died..jb.03

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Show your face


what use is heaven to modern man?

what use is after life?

dont lets meet and clash again,

we're nothing but trouble and strife.


Why should God care up there,

he showed no form down here,

to settle our own frustrations,

we run to guns and beer.


hey goddy boy try again,

you made a mess with us,

I packed in praying long ago,

'twas such a stupid fuss.


just show your face, make a bunce,

lets see a happening true,

dont be shy show your place,

give us all a clue.



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Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery.


London 1887-1976.Hampshire.


His father a Bishop with prayer in mind,

But Monty's thoughts were war inclined,

Different they were as chalk and cheese,

With driving ambition and ways to succeed.


St Paul’s in London- Monty's chosen school,

Impish and playful but nobodies fool,

Sandhurst academy he eventually went.

The Warwick’s Reg. he began his ascent


Off to India to assist the Raj,

His five years there he didn't enlarge,

1914 he returned to these shores,

Eagerly entering Europe's wars.


Badly wounded in a machine gun tirade.

A young medic came to his aide,

A snipers bullet hit the medics head,

Falling on Monty and instantly dead.


The young medic Monty claimed,

Saved his life as the sniper aimed,

Two years in hospital Monty spent,

Then returned to this ghastly event.


Surviving this war with great valour,

He then addressed the Second World War,

On Dunkirk beaches -on the retreat,

To blitzkrieg tactics he conceded defeat.


Learning from this traumatic event,

To African deserts he next was sent,

A man named Rommel was in command,

Ruling the roost in this desert land.


Methodically assembling all he could get,

Leaving nothing to chance with this little bet,

With set piece tactics and classical war,

He relieved Gen.Rommel of his African tour.


Now the world looked with the greatest of awe,

Not one more battle would he lose in this war,

Like Wellington before him- he had found,

His own ideas were most profound.


Alas on D Day he was not selected,

Although on all sides most respected,

The great American Eisenhower,

Was elected to lead this finest hour.


After the war he settled down.

Not to far from a Hampshire town,

He bought a mill on the river Wey,

In Binstead churchyard his body does lay.


JB. A Coy 3 para.55/57.

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I love this one by Philip Larkin:


This Be the Verse


They f**k you up, your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.


But they were f**ked up in their turn

By fools in old-style hats and coats,

Who half the time were soppy-stern

And half at one another’s throats.


Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

And don’t have any kids yourself.

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My Dog, Spot


I have a white dog

Whose name is Spot,

And he's sometimes white.

But whether he's white

Or whether he's not,

There's a patch on his ear

That makes him spot.


He has a tongue

That is long and pink,

And lolls it out

When he wants to think,

He seems to think most

When the weather is hot.

He's a wise sort of dog,

Is my dog, Spot.


He likes a bone

And he likes a ball,

But he doesn't care

For a cat at all.

He waggles his tail

And he knows what's what,

So I'm glad that he's my dog,

My dog, Spot.


Remember this one by Rodney Bennett?

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Palestine/ Israel




In 1917 Balfour declared,

Tormented Palestine could be shared,

Both sides gave a promising nod,

Combine talents unease be shod.


A Palestine majority didn't stop war,

Retalitary acts they both stood for,

Husseini tried his Arab rise,

Fleeing to Hitler was his demise.


Peel and Woodhead tried their plot,

A Jewish minority was their lot,

A foot in the sand was their way,

Then Lord Moyne Lehi did slay.


The U.N. Issues It's report,

Equal division was It's resort,

The Jews gave a reluctant yes,

Break through here the world would bless.


But not so it seems in Arab eyes,

Reluctance could be their demise,

Opportunity indeed here was missed,

To attend the table submit their list.


Resolution 181 was the way,

Equal opportunity, equal play,

Jerusalem under protective care,

Till Arab and Jew learned to share.


The gun and bomb get publicity yes,

But not to clear this awful mess,

This type of war will come to an end,

With both sides learning to yield and bend.


Your war is spreading across the globe,

It needs restricting to your abode,

9/11 proved nothing at all,

American people still stand tall.


The table as usual will clear the air,

Twil end your torment and despair,

181 a way to success,

Now the table you must address.


JB -

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