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Solomon's poetry thread


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[Now deceased ]


Two People


Fran and Lol

Two people whom I met today,

It’s not often that I want to say,

I’ve known them since I was a boy,

Still they fill my heart with joy.


Fran and Lol they go by name,

Their charisma is still the same,

Lovers are as lovers do,

Sharing life and feeling’s to.


Father time has seen no cure,

Now tender care is needed more,

Once youthful bodies-aged by time,

But spirit’s not to undermine.


Proof that true love lasts for sure,

All cares of life become obscure,

They gesticulate, and still poke fun.

Hearts are twinned and beat as one.


I wonder when the sands of time,

Take them to a place sublime,

Could we have this new abode,

Two stars could mark the celestial road.


“Look Marl! Fran and Lol up there,

In care of Ursa Major’s Bear,

I told you they would let us know,

The place where all of us could go.”


So all of us will meet one day,

Then we’ll hold a huge soiree,

And I again at once will say,

Two people whom I met today.


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Remember this anyone by slimsid? I've only just found it, I wasn't on the forum in 2000


Moving House


I had a rotten time in Catford,

with tabbies and ginger toms,

they were always in me garden,

with all their goings on.

They did dreadful things to me daffodills,

and were always catching frogs,

so out of desperation,

I moved to The Isle of Dogs.


But things got worse when I got there,

I was almost brought to me knees,

there was a large Alsatian,

a fat Dalmatian,

and a three legged Pekineese.

They kept getting into me garden,

I never found out just how,

but they drove me out of The Isle of Dogs,

and I'm living in Houndsditch now.


That's the worst mistake I ever made,

me garden's dug up and dirty,

first a Greyhound,

then a Wolfhound,

and a Basset hound called Birty.

I can't stand living here no more,

I can't take all the hassle,

so I'll pack me trunk,

and do a bunk,

to The Elephant and Castle.


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My name is Fred and I’m a big and fat brown sewer rat

I’m what the good Lord made me, you can be sure of that

Everybody hates me, though I’m sure I don’t know why

If people got to know me I’m a laid back kind of guy


Now there’s this guy I know of, Cyril is his name

He is a rodent too, but it’s somehow not the same

Maybe it s because of the nice bushy tail of Cyril

Or maybe it’ ‘cos Cagney never said ‘You dirty squirrel!’


I like this Mr blue :thumbsup:

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Audie Murphy 1924 -1971.


He won every military medal his country could give.


A hoe and a plough he was born to steer.

In order to eat and bring good cheer,

All day long in the sweltering sun,

Such is the lot of a share croppers son.


Baby faced Murph and brothers to,

Sweated it out without fuss and ado,

Keeping the young ones happy and fed,

Awaiting dusk, then exhausted to bed.


Across the pond on foreign soil,

A man named Hitler started to spoil,

Pinching land and on the make,

All before him started to shake,


The winds of war caught Murphy’s ears,

At just 16, so tender in years,

The Marines refused him told him no!

But Murphy determined to give it a go.


To the army’s office he showed his face,

His sharp shooting skill noted apace,

He fainted and collapsed on his first foot drill,

Not really the stuff to give Hitler a chill.


As a post office clerk they gave him a slot,

Sorting mail would be his little lot,

Overseas he went at last.

A chance he saw to give it a blast.


To Morocco, Sicily, and Italy to,

Upon Anzio beach his talents grew,

The kid from Texas began to grow,

The Army was in for the lord Mayors show..


Promoted to Sergeant quick as a flash,

Baby faced Murph showed nerve and dash,

Guts galore under enemy fire,

Even wounded he would not retire.


In just twelve months under fire,

A lieutenants pip he would acquire,

Punching a rookie on a fiery day,

Forgetting the rules in the heat of fray.


In operation Anvil for the freedom of France,

He sure led the Germans a merry dance,

North to Strasbourg his luck would fail,

A dangerous wound would leave him frail,


240 enemy was his final toll,

A soldiers soldier in heart and soul,

In 71 he fell from the sky,

A faulty plane caused him to die.


In Arlington Cemetery this great soldier lies,

His people pass with respect and sighs,

Never again will this planet see.

A supreme warrior as mighty as he.


John 'jobee' bishop 3 parachute group, ©



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Audie Murphy was handsome too, that was great info in poetry Jobee.

It's absolutely amazing how you turn History and a persons biography into poetry, well done :thumbsup:


Thank you joto, He was also an actor, poet, and songwriter.

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