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Solomon's poetry thread


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Thank you joto, He was also an actor, poet, and songwriter.


I knew he was an actor ( that's how I remember how handsome he was) and I knew about the medals he got in the war, but I didn't know he wrote poetry and music. What a man, they don't make them like that anymore.

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Marshal Georgi Zhukov


The German Soviet War 1941/45 was the most

destructive in history, 27 million lives were lost.

The military commander who deserves the most

credit for this victory is Marshal Georgi Zhukov.


Marshal Georgi Zhukov.



The Zhukov family were desperately poor,

With a Tsarist regime making the law,

Just ten years of age mature of years,

Georgi left home his father in tears.


To Moscow then and his uncles abode,

Expected to work and share the load,

A furriers apprenticeship he began,

Keen, ambitious, no also ran.


A pitiless master leading the way,

They rose at dawn for a twelve hour day,

When day was done and bodies tired,

The factory floor was where they retired.


Childhood days were quickly spent,

Call up papers officialdom sent,

A natural gift for military things

Exited by war and all it brings.


The First World War came and went,

Georgi blossomed in this event,

But in 1917 his country withdrew,

The Tsarist regime was over threw.


With reds and whites fighting it out,

The reds victorious in this little bout,

So communist Russia, it became,

Georgi excelled in this red domain.


When the Japanese invaded Mongolian land,

Zhukov showed his powers of command,

Wrecking the Japs in a counter attack,

He gave the Mongolians their country back.


But in 41 they were ill prepared,

When Hitler decided they would not be spared,

Barbarossa he named, this campaign,

For Russian lands he made his claim.


Zhukov was given the army command,

He wanted the job of defending his land,

At Stalingrad, his hour would come,

Field Marshall Paulus was made to succumb.


At Kursk he faced the Germans with tanks,

The world biggest tank battle, this still ranks,

The Germans crushed and made to give way,

On Russian soil, they'd had their day.


Ukraine, Romania, and Poland were next,

The whole of his country and others annexed,

Zhukov the genius was hailed in awe,

Victorious Russia, had won this war.


After taking Berlin he returned to his land,

Dabbling in politics and some military command,

In 74, he would eventually fall,

They laid him to rest in the Kremlin wall.


Jb .a coy 3 para.©©




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I knew he was an actor ( that's how I remember how handsome he was) and I knew about the medals he got in the war, but I didn't know he wrote poetry and music. What a man, they don't make them like that anymore.



More on Audie.---http://www.audiemurphy.com/welcome.htm


cut and paste.j

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Dwight D Eisenhower


U.S. President-Suez 56


1885 Dave and Ida were wed.

Seven sons made in the marital bed,

Dwight number three in this lively brood,

A little quick tempered, given to mood.


No nonsense at all dad would take,

Insisting the bed you would make,

Mum was cuddly, ever to oblige,

A kindly person in anyone's eyes.


As time past by to school he went,

History and sport, his leanings were bent,

Other things he took with salt,

Not to sure, and given to fault.


Graduating from Abilene high,

College education he had to put bye,

Joining his father a mechanic by trade,

Working long hours, his money was saved.


With sporting talents, he entered west point,

Then twisting his leg, his knee out of joint,

His sporting days came to a close,

To military matters his interest arose.


In 1916 he wed his choice,

Mamie Dowd, no descending voice,

For 25 years he slowly climbed,

To Lt Col, he seemed resigned.


Then in 41,zeros attacked,

Pearl harbors navy quickly sacked,

Staff appointments came his way,

Planning strategy was his forte.


The rank of general he soon attained,

That wonderful smile he still retained,

Easy and comfy with command,

D day,s landings efficiently planned.


D day came and went our way

Berlin now, no longer held sway,

A five star general he had become,

Not to bad for a mechanics son.


But Dwight. D hadn't finished yet,

In 53, the countries problems he met,

Going to the country and getting the nod,

The 34th president was given the job.


In 61, his reign came to its end,

A small farm in Gettysburg, was his to attend,

The rural setting was his delight,

Playing golf as well he might.


In '65 health came to the fore,

Clutching his chest he hit the floor,

From there on in, his health declined,

Walter Reed hospital he was confined.


In '69 his life expired,

By the whole free world he was admired,

To Abilene in Kansas the cortege went,

The chapel of meditation, his body was sent.




J B A coy 3 para group.© 2003

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General George .S. Patton.



Mexico, The Great War, The Second One two,

Warrior enthusiasm came shining though,

A fervent belief that life goes on,

Dying in battle not your swan song.


His father a lawyer a Virginia man,

His mother a Southern Californian,

In California Patton was born,

In 1885 he gave his first yawn.


A fanatical student of tactical war,

All the great soldiers he studied with awe,

Dyslexia didn't stop him learning the lot,

Enthusiasm overcoming what nature forgot.


A leader must be acclaimed by one and all,

Victorious, glorious, standing tall,

A little shy by nature, somewhat withdrawn,

But the battlefield he advanced with pistols drawn,


Off the front foot every time,

After Pancho Villa he started his climb,

But Pancho was an artist at hide and seek,

Chances of capture extremely bleak.


The First World War he next addressed,

Where tank tactics he quickly assessed,

Into battle with his own command,

Walking then riding across open land.


Old Blood and Guts became his name,

With disciplined tactics he rose to fame,

Wounded badly in the field that day,

Stretcher men took him to the medical bay.


But victory it was his tanks attained,

As hero of the tanks the press acclaimed,

Not long after, the war came to its end,

In peaceful years more knowledge he gained.


But a longing for war his thoughts retained,

Glory in action his motifs were aimed,

Disappointed by peaceful times,

He thought his career was in decline.


But shortly after Pearl Harbours attack,

Germans and Italians made a pact,

Declaring war on the USA,

Regretting it bitterly one fine day.


So Operation Torch came about,

Fedala and Morocco put to rout,

The Vichy French conceding defeat,

Pattons ambitions becoming complete.


After Fredendall's mess at the Kasserine Pass,

Another star he was to flash,

A three star general he had become,

A life times ambition nearly done.


From Bastoigne to Berlin like a man possessed,

The German army he most surely addressed,

Eventually getting the top rank he deserved,

And a place in history most surely reserved.


A motoring accident in 45'

His weakened body could not survive,

Buried at Hamm in Luxembourg,

A greater General you've never heard.


JB El Gamil Group Club©

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Audie Murphy 1924 -1971.


He won every military medal his country could give.


A hoe and a plough he was born to steer.

In order to eat and bring good cheer,

All day long in the sweltering sun,

Such is the lot of a share croppers son.


Baby faced Murph and brothers to,

Sweated it out without fuss and ado,

Keeping the young ones happy and fed,

Awaiting dusk, then exhausted to bed.


Across the pond on foreign soil,

A man named Hitler started to spoil,

Pinching land and on the make,

All before him started to shake,


The winds of war caught Murphy’s ears,

At just 16, so tender in years,

The Marines refused him told him no!

But Murphy determined to give it a go.


To the army’s office he showed his face,

His sharp shooting skill noted apace,

He fainted and collapsed on his first foot drill,

Not really the stuff to give Hitler a chill.


As a post office clerk they gave him a slot,

Sorting mail would be his little lot,

Overseas he went at last.

A chance he saw to give it a blast.


To Morocco, Sicily, and Italy to,

Upon Anzio beach his talents grew,

The kid from Texas began to grow,

The Army was in for the lord Mayors show..


Promoted to Sergeant quick as a flash,

Baby faced Murph showed nerve and dash,

Guts galore under enemy fire,

Even wounded he would not retire.


In just twelve months under fire,

A lieutenants pip he would acquire,

Punching a rookie on a fiery day,

Forgetting the rules in the heat of fray.


In operation Anvil for the freedom of France,

He sure led the Germans a merry dance,

North to Strasbourg his luck would fail,

A dangerous wound would leave him frail,


240 enemy was his final toll,

A soldiers soldier in heart and soul,

In 71 he fell from the sky,

A faulty plane caused him to die.


In Arlington Cemetery this great soldier lies,

His people pass with respect and sighs,

Never again will this planet see.

A supreme warrior as mighty as he.


John 'jobee' bishop 3 parachute group, ©




Music career

In addition to acting, Murphy also became successful as a country music songwriter.[2] teaming up with such talented musicians and composers as Guy Mitchell, Jimmy Bryant, Scott Turner, Coy Ziegler, and Terri Eddleman. Murphy's songs were recorded and released by such performers as Dean Martin,[2] Eddy Arnold,[2] Charley Pride,[2] Jimmy Bryant, Porter Waggoner, Jerry Wallace, Roy Clark, and Harry Nilsson. His two biggest hits were "Shutters and Boards" and "When the Wind Blows in Chicago". Eddy Arnold recorded the latter for his 1983 RCA album, Last of the Love Song Singers

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Gurd Von Runstedt


Field Marshall Gurd von Rundstedt. K C.


Gerd von Rundstedt was born in 1875 at

Aschersleben in Saxony, the son of a

hussar officer who later became a

Major General. At the tender age of

twelve Gerd entered the cadet military

academy, then rose to command the

German army.


Field Marshall Gerd Von Rundstedt



Twelve years of age his career began,

Quickly maturing from boy to man,

A junior ensign at just seventeen,

Quickly adapting to military routine.


Sardonic by nature, true to his line,

Inefficiency , quick to malign,

Standard uniform studiously dressed,

Military know how his family blessed.


A major general his father became,

Gerd determined to better his game,

Gaining experience through the Great War

Surviving this, as Company Major.


Not a supporter of Nazi success,

But government orders he would address,

In '32 came Marshall Law,

Social democrats made to withdraw.


Conflicting earnestly with Hitlers men,

Calling Hitler a comedian,

Taking retirment in '38,

Hitler then would reinstate.


Making him commander of army group north,

Into Poland he immediately set forth,

Polands defeat a great succes,

But Rundstedt disliking the murderous SS.


Getting a move away from them,

Torture and cruelty he did condemn,

With army group south he took command,

Leading the invasion of Soviet land.


Barbarossa initially a great success,

But winters chill the Russians would bless,

Rundstedt requestd to withdraw his men,

To re-equip and attend to them.


Hitler refused and ordered them on,

Orchestrating his own swan song,

Sacking Rundstedt on the spot,

Rundstedt lucky not to be shot.


Reinstated the very next year,

Supreme commander and showing no fear,

Arguing with Hitler, Goering as well,

Hitler again bid him farewell.


In '44 reinstated again,

As supreme commander he would remain,

Hitler demanding Gurd stop the rot,

At last, conceding he’d lost the plot.


Never tried at Nuremburgh,

A soldiers soldier, undeterred,

Sraight ,honest, the thinking kind,

One of the few that kept his mind.

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Sweet Harmony


Is it right or wrong

Try to find a place

We can all belong?

Be as one

Try to get on by

If we unify

We should really try...

All this time

Spinning round and round

Made the same mistakes

That we've always found

Surely now

We culd move along

Make a better world?

No it can't be wrong

Let's come together

Right now

Oh yeah

In sweet harmony

Time is running out

Let there be no doubt

We should sort things out

If we care

Like we say we do

Not just empty words

For a week or two

Make the world

Your priority

Try to live your life


Play a part

In a greater scheme

Try to live the dream

On a wider scene

Let's come together

Right now

Oh yeah

In sweet harmony


The Beloved

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