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Solomon's poetry thread


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A Hallowed Ode for a Harrowed Toad


There was a toad who had an abode

Nicely stuccoed but with no postal code

The lawn was mowed, the garden hoed

A brooklet flowed and lights all glowed

One day he strode with legs all bowed

Up to the node of a plant he had growed

The colour of woad, but a little yellowed

From seed he sowed, before it snowed

He softly tiptoed and said ‘I’ll be blowed’

His words did forebode, as it did explode,

The end of the road, the toad and this ode

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The words they will come to you

Within the next hour or two

Think of dementia

As an adventure

And besides I'm not far behind you!



When I wish to appear quite bright

it's as if out goes the liight

the words arrive to late

my brain is 20 mins late

is this to be my plight ?



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zig zag


In 1917 balfour declared

tormented palestine could be shared

both sides gave a promising nod

combine talents unease be shod


a palestine majority didn't stop war

retalitary acts they both stood for

husseini tried his arab rise

fleeing to hitler was his demise


peel and woodhead tried their plot

a jewish minority was their lot

a foot in the sand was their way

then lord moyne lehi did slay


the U.N. Issues It's report

equal division was It's resort

the jews gave a reluctant yes

break through here the world would bless


but not so it seems in arab eyes

reluctance could be their demise

opportunity indeed here was missed

to attend the table submit their list


resolution 181 was the way

equal opportunity- equal play

jerusalem under protective care

till arab and jew learned to share.


the gun and bomb get publicity yes

but not to clear this awful mess

this type of war will come to an end

with both sides learning to yield and bend


your war is spreading across the globe

It needs restricting to your abode

9/11 proved nothing at all

american people still stand tall


the table as usual will clear the air

twill end your torment and despair

181 a way to success

now the table you must address



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col. James stewart-pilot-actor.



dfc.-croix de guerre

air medal with oak leaves.

brig. general. retired


indiana the place of his birth

extremely modest down to earth

tall gangling smooth and cool

speech affected by a halting drawl.


a degree in architecture he gained with ease

but the great depression started to squeeze

so off to hollywood and not to sure

if his amateur talent would mature.


but acting he mastered with the greatest of ease

the camera and audience were easy to please

his honest character came shining through

in one year just he was head of the queue.


the rumblings of war were heard afar

and stirred the conscience of this superstar

he volunteered quick as a flash

the recruiting office he made a dash


at the army air corps training base

flying talents were honed apace

an agile mind and quick to learn

a commission and wings he was to earn.


training pilots he took for a while

but training really was not his style

In 43 to England he went

to tibenham in norfolk his talents were sent


with the rank of captain and his own command

they commenced to bomb adolph hitlers land

success and promotion came his way

by clever decisions in the heat of fray.


with the rank of colonel and chief of staff

the town of brunswick he commenced to trash

another success with him in command

a nail in the coffin for hitler’s band


shortly after he left the war

he'd done his best to settle the score

modest to the end about his success.

his achievements in war he did not address.


james stewart made 78 films.

the first .’murder man’

the last ‘the magic of lassie’.

he won an oscar for ‘the philadelphia story’



jb el gamil suez group club. 03©©

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When I wish to appear quite bright

it's as if out goes the liight

the words arrive to late

my brain is 20 mins late

is this to be my plight ?




Like an electric light, the human brain

Can switch off and then switch on again

From hot inspiration

To cold condemnation

From being bright to being darkly insane

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