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Solomon's poetry thread


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And so I tell the man I'm with about the other life I lived

And I say, "Now you're top gun, I have lost and you have won"

And he says, "Oh no, no, can't you see


When I was a girl, my mom and I we always talked

And I picked flowers everywhere that I walked.

And I could always cry, now even when I'm alone I seldom do

And I have lost some kindness

But I was a girl too.

And you were just like me, and I was just like you"


lovin it, mill :)

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When all the world is sleeping

And we lay wide awake

We wish to god with all our heart

They'd made a big mistake

We wish that you were living

every hour, every day

We miss you so much Laura

More than words could ever say

Although we never saw your eyes

Or saw your little smile

We have our precious memories

Of when we held you for a while

And though you never had much life

You went from Womb to Grave

We know that gentle Jesus will keep you warm and safe

And though our lives must carry on

You'll always be a part

The love and pride we have for you

Is engrave upon our heart

And when our lives come to an end

And we can be together

We'll join you in eternity

forever and forever


For Laura Frances our first-born

Born and Died 20th September 1988

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Life is what you make it,

it's not handed out on a plate

you are in charge of your destiny,

and you are in charge of your fate


Life is what you make it

so do just what you think is right

give it your all, do your very best

for you then the future is bright


Life is what you make it

Hold your head high and don't let it fall

be Honest, be Kind and be Loving

but be true to yourself above all


Life is what you make it

Don't let anyone tell you it's not

if you've given your best in all that you do

then be happy with what you have got


I wrote this in December 1997 for someone, but didn't give it to them

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I wrote this for Terry, the love of my life


You are my love

you are my life

you are my bestest friend

and if I ever lost you Ted

My heart would never mend


We were meant to be together

We've both been through so much

But you have always been there

With your tender special touch


We both could not believe it

When our baby Laura died

And it just broke my heart in two

As I watched you as you cried


Our lives were soon made richer

With our special little boy

Jack is kind and caring

He brings us so much joy


Then Lily came into our lives

So Loving and so sweet

Our family life was wonderful

finally complete


And then you went to hell and back

And you know what I mean

It was such a deep depressing time

The unhappiest you'd been


But even though we've had our downs

Our loved stayed strong and deep

And once I gave my heart to you

I gave it you to keep


Some people talk about their love

How they believe in fate

And I am very lucky Ted

I've found my lifes soul-mate

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For a special lady, Sharon Longshaw. We shared laughter and tears, we shared feelings and fears, she allowed me into her life, and I will miss her forever.


I wrote this at about 05:00 on 18.08.2000


I'm missing you already,

and the pain is hard to bear

but at least you know I love you,

and how much I really care


I'm missing you already,

and I'll miss you every day

I miss your cheeky smile,

and your loving caring way


I'm missing you already,

I miss you very much

I miss your strength of character,

I miss your tender touch


I'm missing you already,

I miss the chats we had

I'm feeling very empty,

I'm feeling very sad


I'm missing you already,

I miss those smiling eyes

I've asked God many questions,

why did he let you die


I'm missing you already,

and I know you'll be quite mad

you'd say don't fret about me,

just remember good times that we had


I'm missing you already,

but you're in a better place

and I only have to think of you,

to see that smiling face


I'm missing you already,

I miss your cheery ways,

you always helped me through

my very deepest darkest days


I’m missing you already,

you were so warm and kind

And though you were supportive,

you always spoke your mind


I’m missing you already,

and although you’re not in pain

I’d love to see you one more time,

just to see you smile again


I’m missing you already,

you listened to my fears

You were always there to help me,

and wipe away the tears


I’m missing you already,

cos’ you always made me see

Just what was so important

and how precious life can be


I’m missing you already,

there are things I should have said

And now you’re in your heaven,

they’ll stay locked up in my head


I’m missing you already,

and we never said good-bye

But I know that you’ll watch over me,

from up there in your sky


I’m missing you already,

we shared good times together

And they will stay within my heart,

they’re mine to keep and treasure


I still miss Sharon and I think about her often, she was a beautiful friend who should still be here. xx

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