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Solomon's poetry thread


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A Guy's Job


A guy sticks his location,

In a girl's destination,

To increase the population,

For the next generation.

Do you get my explanation?

Or do you need a demonstration?


Emanuel Udrija


Naughty, but funny! :)


Here's a poem in a similar vein (nb I may have posted this previously - but if so, let's still have a smile by reading it again! :) )


she being Brand


-new;and you

know consequently a

little stiff i was

careful of her and(having


thoroughly oiled the universal

joint tested my gas felt of

her radiator made sure her springs were O.


K.)i went right to it flooded-the-carburetor cranked her


up,slipped the

clutch(and then somehow got into reverse she

kicked what

the hell)next

minute i was back in neutral tried and


again slo-wly;bare,ly nudg. ing(my


lev-er Right-

oh and her gears being in

A 1 shape passed

from low through

second-in-to-high like

greasedlightning)just as we turned the corner of Divinity


avenue i touched the accelerator and give


her the juice,good




was the first ride and believe i we was

happy to see how nice she acted right up to

the last minute coming back down by the Public

Gardens i slammed on






brakes Bothatonce and


brought allofher tremB


to a:dead.






ee cummings

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The snowdrops are out and spring is not so far away so this is one of mine own.


Reasons to be cheerful


Snowdrops in the library grass

Nodding at me as I pass

A yellow crocus was lifting her face

Towards the sun from a sheltered place.

I had a letter from the Dr I consult

Saying I was fine and that the result

was very pleasing, but I must confess

‘To a delightful lady’ was in the address

It just made my day

In every way.




Just looked out and saw the snow, not quite as cheerful now

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He finally said I love you



As I looked into his eyes

And found his longing stare

I stopped myself from saying words

That showed how much I care


I put my hands up to his face

To hold my feelings in

I wouldn't say the words again

To show my love for him


The last time I had told him

How much he meant to me

He put my hands away from his

And said to leave him be


I never spoke the words again

For fear of his deep fright

I thought it was the last time

Untill that blissful night


His fingers traced around my face

Pushing hair away

And I was quite unprepared

For he was to say


My heart beat quickly, My head raced on

I thought that I might cry

He looked at me if he might faint

Imagine this strong guy


But never would be more impressed

With anything he'd do

Than when he took that heartfelt leap

And told me "I love you"



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