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Solomon's poetry thread


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An Untrustworthy God


by François


Because I choose not to obey,

To words spoken in metaphors,

Left too open to interpretation,

I am warned of condemnation.

I never sought to make sense,

Of these symbols left to chance,

I will be my own creation,

The results of my own conclusion.


I am deemed self-important,

Egotistical and arrogant,

I am told I believe in lies,

As they plead to me with their cries,

And their age-old rethoric,

That leave my insides twisted and sick,

On how they simply came to offer,

These truths they hold to make life better.


There is strength in their numbers,

Their many prophets of terror,

Who seek to control the mind,

Of any weakened soul they can find,

To slowly mold the inner being,

Into this great ideal they have foreseen,

They dismiss other paths at first glance,

As they speak of their holy tolerance.

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The Mighty Electron

Mighty electron, what should I make of you?

With a spin of 1/2 you will form pairs,

of oppisite spin leading to orbitals,

chemistry, life and pears.


Birthed durring the big bang,

your identy you may fain,

bound with quarks as a neutron,

but Beta decay will set you free,

along with your neutrino partner,

so that energy conservation you may maintain.


Perhaps you interact with the higgs field?

So you may never attain the velocity of light,

but emit it you will when,

you drop down the difference,

between orbital heights.


Where are you and how fast are you going?

Mighty electron, I don't have a clue,

with a certainty less then h bar over two.


A partical or a wave?

Perhaps a wavical?

A wave of what?

probability, possibility, all of the above?

Mighty electron you are juxtaposicle,

chaotical and

just a bit quizzical?

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Learning to forget




German, I never learnt at school,

French and Spanish was the rule

perhaps the war still fresh in our mind

gave to us a distaste which combined

with paying the cost

of young lives lost

and left within

a kind of sin

a sense of wrong

left on the tongue

a sour taste, in the face

of the human race.



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Dream Peace

Biased towards peace, who, me?

When the real world around is full of misery.

Of conflict,killings, war and strife.

Yes, I say, war is death - and peace is life


Our struggle for Peace we humans are going through,

while constant evolution is shaping you.....and you.

Cos you see that, half the world is overcome.

The other half are deaf and dumb.


You can call Peace a dream. A piece of "pie in the sky".

I say,"while we live and dream again......we will not die".

When conflict and wars end...PEACE breaks out.

Death is something, that I can live without.


The one thing we're all waiting for,

is peace on earth, an end to war.

Biased towards peace. Who. Me?

Yes.! Before, during and after, world war three.



From SS 15th August 2008.

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