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Solomon's poetry thread


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When we were young and love was new

We’d run through fields of morning dew

Our hearts were free, our hopes were high

We reached the stars

We touched the sky


We rode our luck through storms and gales

We rode the waves neath billowed sails

We shared the joy, we shared the pain

We chased the wind

We kissed the rain


You’ve been the one who calms my fears

You’ve been the one who dries my tears

You’ve learned the secrets of my soul

You kept the faith

You kept me whole


And though we may be growing old

I still have your sweet hand to hold

You've been a dear and perfect wife

You're still my love

You're still my life


When heaven's gates we both pass through

We’ll run through fields of morning dew

We’ll reach the stars and once again

We’ll chase the wind

We’ll kiss the rain

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  • 3 weeks later...



When we were young and love was new

We’d stained the bed sheets right on through

To the mattress we'd let fly

In energetic pumping

And my mam would say more than 'Oh my!'


We rode each other through storms and gales

We rode the bed neath billowed sails

We shared the joy, we shared the pain

We chased the dragon

We missed the stain


You’ve been the one who shared my beers

You’ve been the one who caught my leers

You’ve learned the secrets of my soul

You kept the money

When on the dole


And though we may be growing pot

I still do coke but not a lot

You've been a druggie and a whore

I'm the same old dealer and your own pimp

You still come knockin on my front door



When hell's gates we both pass through

We'll stain the deadsheets right through

To the mattress we'll let fly

In energetic pumping

And Satan would say more 'Nice try.'

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My heart goes out to you Hazel. I do hope you find the strength to read out

those beautiful words. God bless you.

I wrote something similar, for my dear mother but had to let the vicar read it out, as my grief was overwhelming.[/quote


Thank you for your reply,


It's quite a while now since she died but her memory is still bright in my mind

I did read it out and realised, when I saw how many people were in the church and outside, what an impact she has made in her lifetime,


I still miss her



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  • 1 month later...



Summer is the stuff of dreams

When adults sit at their desks, and children sit in school, they dream of summer.

Summer is the time of infinite fun

The day seems to last forever, and the fun never stops.

It is a time of romance, excitement and an enhanced enjoyment of life.

Somehow summer never seems to last long enough...

It is always over before we get a chance to fully experience its power.

This is true of all things wonderful.

They always seem too short.

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If you Google, Vera, Celia and me

you will find the names of all three

Our exploits are known

Our outfits on loan

because Vera can sew you see.


She’s now making bags for our shoes

So while we are joining the queues

No plastic for us

We know what that does

we’re green and we’ve nothing to lose.


Hooray the City Hall dances are back

On Tuesday the 2nd to be exact

We race to the door

Soon we’ll be taking the floor

I wonder how Fred will react


We now know which table to get

And we’re as pushy as the people we met

We are not as polite

But try as we might

Our manners are hard to forget.


Last of the summer wine is modelled on us

We were the first but didn’t want the fuss

Our adventures were noted

But we thought and we voted

So we all went home on the bus



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Fat Horse


I saw a fat horse in a field today

and thought it was Odd in an abstracted way,

reflecting that most of the horses I’ve seen

were skinny old nags

or noble and lean.

This one was fat and voraciously grazing.

An Unusual sight though, it’s true, not Amazing.


It was pregnant, you sigh, and probably due

but a noteworthy prominence rules out this view.

Or maybe some rare hardy Iron Age breed?

But it looked like a fatty too fond of its feed.


Perhaps it’s not meant for the field or the track

but to sit a fat lady upon its fat back

who comes, when the mood takes, to this very spot

and gleefully bounces around at a trot.


I don’t really know

how it came to be so

but a corpulent horse

isn’t par for the course.


The reader may scoff at my limited knowledge

but I never attended no fancy Horse College.




I’m alone and a little bit bored today

I saw a fat horse.

Just thought I’d say.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After seeing 20 young people baptised recently

at a Jehovah's Witness convention.


Dear God look down on these little sheep

With their sweaty palms and shuffling feet

But heads erect and eyes so clear

Smothering doubt, surpressing fear

Knowing the Kingdom of God is near


When they are baptised in the Jordan today

Insecurities all will be washed away

And they will go forth with foreheads of iron

(Moses leading the children of Zion)

As the devil circles like a roaring lion.


Misunderstood and spurned by their peers

The cry of scorn ringing in their ears

"We turned our backs on wealth and fame

Preaching instead to the spiritually lame

And hated by all on account of your name


Where will we be five years from now

Will our hand still be guiding the plough

Will our eyes be set firm on the prize

Or will we be tempted by satanic device

And forfeit our place in paradise?"


Little children come to me again and again

And I will make you fishers of men

The last will be first and you will be free

The deaf will hear and the blind will see

And your peace just like a river will be.

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A day at the seaside? – how nice that would be

Ice cream and sunshine

and toes in the sea


A prospect of fun and nostalgic reflection

and childhood holidays recalled with affection


to see continuity in time-honoured places

and landmarks as welcome as old friend’s faces.


But little remained of the those old fashioned ways

with innocence notably absent these days.


Instead there were empty-eyed, pot-bellied squirts

who’d decided they weren’t gonna bother with shirts,

swaggering blearily out on a crawl

or sprawled, lagered up, on the promenade wall.

Born to a culture where they can do jack,

take all the benefits and put nothing back.

Their limited income had bought them tattoos

with plenty left over for holiday booze.


Their female equivalents strolling beneath

were often surprisingly missing odd teeth

and, spouting profanities, passed on their way

with dubious attributes out on display,

their undersized clothing could barely contain

the acres of flesh they were meant to restrain.

And one seemed quite eager to flaunt for a bit

the cool Chinese dragon tattooed on one tit.


Their poor little kiddies were dragging behind

and few of ‘em looked the adorable kind,

troublesome offspring with trailer trash names

placated with junk food and internet games,

a bit of a drag on the afternoon boozing

they echoed the language their mothers were using,

carelessly, callously laying foundations

for future behaviour and low expectations.


But still, on the bright side, we didn’t despair

The cliffs and the beach and the sea were still there,


the glories of nature a joy to behold,

the simple delights of the day trips of old.


A shame you can only enjoy the occasion

by subtracting the populace from the equation.

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Well Vera, no Celia and me


Decided we would see

If Weymouth offered

To open it’s Coffers

All by the side of the sea


Now Joe was my brother-in-Law

And I thought we would ask him for

Vera and me

To live by the sea

And have cockles and mussels galore


Now Vera was longing to dance

And Joe gave her a chance

For her dreams to come true

And between me and you

Vera was about to make her entrance


She wore her red satin shoes

And knew she had nothing to lose

When she took to the floor

The shoes that she wore

Made her difficult to refuse


Now Kate and Beth were a treat

But I knew they had 2 left feet

Its as well they declined

Because I think they would find

It difficult to compete


Now all things come to an end

And I must follow the trend

So with tears in my eyes

I said my goodbyes

So Good Luck be happy my friends



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The Residents meet


Robert, Doreen Dorothy and me

Are having a residents meeting to see

Where our Agency money goes

What it’s spent on God only knows.



It’s risen from £124 per quarter

(and I know it didn’t oughter)

to £216 paid 4 times per year

as much as that ? on my little flat


So we are inviting one of the McDonald team to explain

Why his fees are not playing the game

Landscape gardening is on our list,

Terrorism too---is he taking the p***


Who is going to bomb Doreen and me

Or Robert and Dorothy, whilst having our tea

So come on McDonalds what do we get

For the£92 extra that we’ve not paid yet





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