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Old People

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How many old folks are sat at home and can't get out anywhere because of illness or infirmity, they are on a pension and cannot afford a car and have to stay cooped up in their homes.


These poor souls have worked all their lives for a pittance and sacrificed their own lives to bring famillies up and now they are just ignored by their children and relatives in a lot of cases.


Most young people have cars and to take the old folks out would brighten and enhance their lives, a trip into Derbyshire, a meal out, someone to talk to and show an interest in them, would make their lives bearable.


Are you one of the guilty ones? come on! do your good deed for today, ring an old person and offer to call for them, it will make you feel better also.

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question about pensions Hal.


Something that is perplexing both myself and my nan. Whilst my grandad was alive it was difficult to make ends meet. My grandparents had no extra pension coming in - just the state one.


Since my grandads death however my nan wants to know what he did with "all his bloody money" because my nan doesn't have any problems managing on the state pension. In fact she is now able to give the grandkids presents at birthdays, easter and christmas which is something she always struggled with before.


I know of another female pensioner who is in a similar position. Although she gets extra money from her husbands pension she is still able to save and live well whilst a male pension recieving the same money is scrimping and saving to live.


Could you shed any light on this Hal?


In response to your question Hal - I ain't one of those people. I was brought up by my grandparents and perhaps because of this have a bit more love and respect for my elders! If I was a bit more mobile myself my nan would be off all over the place - as it is we meet up in meadowhall with the kids for dinner and a bit of shopping!



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I too was brought up with lots of respect for my elders, and we have always included the 'older' family members in our life. Unfortunately the oldest members on my mums side have died, but we always had them round at the weekends, taken out on family drives and celebrations. I have two great grandmothers on my step dads side and they are both in a nursing home. We havent just left them there to rot, they can not cope anymore at home. We still visit them regulary, take them out, and celebrate family occasions with them.


I too believe its a great shame that many other eldery people are not treated this way, but we cant generalise! Every circumstance is different.

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These poor souls have worked all their lives for a pittance and sacrificed their own lives to bring famillies up and now they are just ignored by their children and relatives.


... a trip into Derbyshire, a meal out, someone to talk to and show an interest in them, would make their lives bearable.


Is this just a scam to get some other poor sod to take out your mum & dad ?


Seriously though, you're spot on.

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