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Couple held captive by somalian pirates?

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That's the nuts n bolts of it more likely. It would be considerable more dangerous to send in the likes of the SAS to do an extraction. With due respect to the Seals they could see their target/s.


Endless negotiations I would think, or special forces gets a tip off.

Indeed the US Navy in the case I mentioned was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to stage a rescue.


I was mainly just countering poppins pathetic swipe at Obama not suggesting we go in guns blazing.


Dont M.I.6 have any Somali informers? All that's needed is a location where they are and the SAS could be trusted to go in and do what's necessary.


That couple may eventually die if they're just left to rot there.

Ever seen Black Hawk Down? That's a dramatisation of real life events which demonstrated that cleanly mounting a raid in Somalia grabbing specific target people and getting out again cleanly can be really rather tricky.

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They may not be on a boat. Perhaps held in a house somewhere in Mogadishu but as I mentioned earlier it's easy to recruit informers and if they're on land all that's needed is a chopper launched from a warship and a dozen elite troops hitting the place just around dawn.



The problem I would guess with that scenario is the reliability of your informer. We can't find Bin Laden never mind anyone else...for all we know they could be dead. As for MI6...we jumped on board based on their intelligence as regards Iraq, not the best source for reliability.


In the case of the rescue by US forces recently I would bet a lot on Obama giving the nod on the basis the Intel he was receiving was air tight, if he didn't and got it wrong the Republicans would have gone for the throat, hence political suicide...in fact he got it right and the Rep's still had a shot at him, even though it was a dirty one. Body bags arrive on yours and our shores every day so I'd guess political backsides are being taken care of in favour of military decisions.


As plek has mentioned "Somalia" for one and the "Iran/Carter incident". I'm sure the UK has its equivalents, I just can't recollect off hand, I'm pretty sure those scenarios don't need repeating.


I would hope that if we send in any forces it would be based on first rate information....and not because the public want action. As an ex military man you of all would understand that sentiment.

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The problem I would guess with that scenario is the reliability of your informer. We can't find Bin Laden never mind anyone else...for all we know they could be dead. As for MI6...we jumped on board based on their intelligence as regards Iraq, not the best source for reliability.


In the case of the rescue by US forces recently I would bet a lot on Obama giving the nod on the basis the Intel he was receiving was air tight, if he didn't and got it wrong the Republicans would have gone for the throat, hence political suicide...in fact he got it right and the Rep's still had a shot at him, even though it was a dirty one. Body bags arrive on yours and our shores every day so I'd guess political backsides are being taken care of in favour of military decisions.


As plek has mentioned "Somalia" for one and the "Iran/Carter incident". I'm sure the UK has its equivalents, I just can't recollect off hand, I'm pretty sure those scenarios don't need repeating.


I would hope that if we send in any forces it would be based on first rate information....and not because the public want action. As an ex military man you of all would understand that sentiment.



The pirates have nothing to gain by releasing the couple without a ransom being paid. I fear that they will either become very ill and die from the unsanitary conditions they're probably living in or the pirates will just lose patience and kill them eventually anyway.


Investing some time and patience in using paid informers might just possiblly... just possibly lead to their whereabouts and with luck a successful rescue operation. No guarantees on that of course but better than just leaving them to die.

Any military bloke will tell you that lady luck plays a big part in rescue operation of this sort

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