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Tory opinion poll lead shrinks from 20% to just 6% in 1 year

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Have you noticed the change in attitude now when Thatcher is mentioned? A couple of years ago and it was just a stream of venom and invective. Now it seems that many people think that she had a point.


Along with her supporters trying to justify the destruction of people's jobs communities and livelihoods just like they do today. Things have not changed in that respect.


Looking wider, even John Redwood admits her economic policies in relation to the pit clossure programme, that effects so many people locally, made no economic sense.



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Along with her supporters trying to justify the destruction of people's jobs communities and livelihoods just like they do today. Things have not changed in that respect.


Looking wider, even John Redwood admits her economic policies in relation to the pit clossure programme, that effects so many people locally, made no economic sense.




Only the left would trot out John Redwood to justify their opinion.

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How about David Cameron's rejection of Thatcher's policies?


Discussed here:




Incidentally the story looks interesting for bigger reasons too. The Tory party appear to be imploding over the issue. Why else would Ed Vassey and the Daily Mail be trying to out Cameron's wife as a Labour voter?


Ps the Daily Mail quotes a poll where the Tory lead is now down to 2%.

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Have you noticed the change in attitude now when Thatcher is mentioned? A couple of years ago and it was just a stream of venom and invective. Now it seems that many people think that she had a point.


Maybe in your property development circles (but they would surely have been trumpeting her anyway for destroying a manufacturing economy and turning it into one of property speculation and dodgy mortgages etc) but not in the real world.

I note that Labour from being well over 20/1 against are now 13.5 to 1 to win the election in a few weeks, whilst Smarmy Dave's Tories have gone from 1.3 on to 1.67

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Give Ed Balls a enough rope & he'll hang the Labour party all by himself. Especially with his willingness to protect the truth from being exposed over John Venables & whatever he has done that has landed him straight back in the clink.


I just hope evryone has the sense to see that we need a strong government when the term is up of this loony-left bunch. I'm hoping that we get a government with a 'centre' approach to it's politics. I'm sick to the back teeth with only criminals having human rights. It's like a soddin' 'criminals charter' & this government had backed it tooth & nail.


Shame on them.....& if there is an 'justice' (pardon the pun as we know there is none) they will reap what they sow at the next election.


Where is Gordon now with his 'no broken England'? He's put a gagging order on a 'free press' to make it sound 'right' when it's 'bust'!


Spin spin spin that's all I'll ever remember the Labour government for!

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Update (from Yougov):


According to the Press Association, YouGov’s daily poll for the Sunday Times meanwhile has topline figures of CON 38%(nc), LAB 33%(+1), LDEM 17%(nc). Once again, there is no significant change and no sign of the Conservative recovery that ICM picked up. Other than the 2 point lead last weekend which in hindsight appears to have been a blip, YouGov have now been showing a lead of around 6 points for a fortnight, with no obvious effect from either the Brown bullying allegations or the Ashcroft tax arguments.


More tomorrow when we see the full Sunday Times results.


For somebody so hung up on the polls, I though you might have posted todays by now wednesday1, but then I'm not surprised you haven't since they show the Tories extending their lead over Labour.



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WT, I got my info from todays Yougov site as I ususally do.Sorry if it's hard for you to swallow!

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YouGov Daily poll – 37/33/18

Posted on March 25th, 2010 by Anthony WellsTonights’s Yougov tracker has topline figures of CON 37%(+1), LAB 33%(-1), LDEM 18%(+1), so the Tory lead goes back to four points. As I said yesterday, we’ll never know for sure whether yesterday’s two point lead was just an outlier, or whether it was a real narrowing reversed by the budget.


This poll was conducted between yesterday afternoon and this afternoon – so it is entirely after the Budget was delivered, but not necessarily after people had heard or read about it. Certainly many respondents would have answered the survey before having read the newspaper coverage of the budget this morning. While this first test of public opinion after the budget suggests it is not a game changer, there may well be more to come in the weekend polls.


My view is that the budget was more of a risk than an opportunity for Labour – Darling had no money for giveaways and the last two budgets had a strongly negative impact on Labour’s poll ratings. If Labour emerge unscathed, it’s probably good news for them… if they emerge unscathed – this is, after all, just one early poll and I expect we’ll have a lot more to digest over the weekend.

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