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Tory opinion poll lead shrinks from 20% to just 6% in 1 year

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Economically, it's looking a little better for old Igor:


In its forecasts for G7 nations in the first half of 2010, the OECD estimates annualised growth of 2% for the UK in the first three months of this year, compared with 1.8% in the fourth quarter last year and a contraction of 1.1% in the third quarter. This is not as fast as Canada, the US and France, but beats the predicted quarterly expansion in Germany, Japan and Italy.


In the second quarter of the year, the UK's expected annual growth of 3.1% is only exceeded by the Canadian economy.




The OECD also appeared to lend weight to a gentle approach to dealing with government debts.


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That maybe the case, but I was responding to the VAT "increase".


You can respond to what you like, and the Government can twist and squirm and make claims about imaginary Tory tax increases.


That fact is that the UK now pays 40.5% of its income as tax. That means we are paying 9.5% more in tax in real terms than we did in 1996/1997.


I think we all know which party has put up our taxes and is attempting to do it again with the increase in National Insurance.

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Polls out today show a 5.5% swing from Labour to the conservatives in marginal seats. This is just shy of the 6.9% uniform swing need to oust Labour.


It would appear the swing has started with a leap and labour is reeling and unable to take the initiative in the campaign so far. It would appear these marginal seats want change, but they have yet to be fully convinced by the conservatives. This is a double whammy for Labour as it shows these voters do not want Labour to win, they just haven’t decided who they want to replace them with yet.


Ref: http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/poll.aspx?oItemId=2587

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