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Rising Sun Pub history

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Can't help you much , I'm afraid but back in the '60's . I used to have a mate who lived in that small group of houses between your pub and the railway line. Your pub and the one nearby were his locals , so I went in both quite a lot.

Can't remember any details but it was a typical , Sheffield , working -class pub of its time. Full of characters , down-to -earth , a few villains , a , "family " atmosphere------everyone knew everyone else !-----the sort of pub where lads would start off in on Fridays and Saturdays ,before going up Town. , on , "the hunt ".

I THINK they had a football team and there was always someone playing dominoes or crib.

I can't tell you more about my mate [and believe me , I do remember some stories ! ] as I have to respect his privacy. Let's just say , it was a lively area and I wish I was going in your pub right now instead of sitting at a computer in the middle of a heatwave in China !

Have one for me and Cheers !!

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I've only ever been in there a couple of times. It used to be a John Smith's house which might explain why I ventured across town, to try the hand-pulled (probably) Magnet.


It's also visible from the railway line, isn't it?


Good luck with your new venture. Tell us if you're getting Magnet back on tap.

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sorry to hear you are stuck in a heatwave in china but i have got to say right now we are in the middle of a heatwave and it is my day off so you can guess i will be sat on my beer garden downing a nice extra cold lager --- ah happy days


Sorry we dont do magnet but we sell a loverly pint of extra cold tetleys will post you though if we ever decide to change


cheers mates

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I may need to apologise about something here and it's to do with what Ousetones said about your pub being visible from the railway line.

Maybe I've got the wrong pub! As far as I remember , Jenkin Road goes right down to Brightside Lane and there was a pub at the bottom , on the corner , with another one near a railway bridge.

The railway I mentioned was the main line one , I think it was the Thames-Clyde express that ran on it ?

Now , I might be getting all mixed up here. I did mean the pub RIGHT at the bottom of Jenkin Road.

Actually , I don't suppose it makes a vast difference , in that most of the pubs round Brightside at that time had a lot in common.

I do manage a few bevvies out here though. The place I go now has a beer called, "Hans". Don't know it's history or anything but it's not a bad taste.

Cheers to good old Brightside !!

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yep I think you did get wrong pub the one you are thinking about was called The Swan which has been knocked down now and is offices. The pub next door is called The Crown and while that is still standing it is up for sale. Do they have pubs in China cannot imagine the Chinese going out on a weekend binge drinking!

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Thanks for your reply and clearing up the confusion !

In the big cities in China more and more Western-style bars or pubs are appearing as more and more ex-pats come to work out here.

The last city I worked in , Shijiazhuang , had about 3 or4 bars where ex-pats would meet and a fair number of Chinese too. Some of the bars are really nice and have all the good characteristics of a good British pub.

However , the place I work in now is , "small" , about half a million , with very , very few ex-pats and I haven't found a proper bar yet.

What you can do here , is go into restaurants and just order beer !

The Chinese think this is a bit strange and without asking , and for free , they bring you a variety of snacks whilst you"re knocking back the beer.The place I go to is very , "up-market " , by Chinese standards but about 5 pints of lager-type beer , plus some pickle-type stuff , an eggy concoction and watermelon costs about 3 pounds. In Shijiazhuang , I used to go to a local, " bar " in a night market with some Chinese friends and I don't think you'd believe me if I told you how cheap it was for everything. Sometimes I couldn't believe it myself.!

It's a bit embarrassing in the present, "up-market" place. You are attended to by about 4 very attractive young girls [not at the same time ]. They pour your beer , empty the ashtray but don't dominate or pester you. It's all too much for an old geezer. It was never like that in Brightside !.......but on the other hand , no-one to have a good , "Sheffield" laugh with here , at the moment.

The Chinese are by no means tee-total and when they have a formal dinner they love getting stuck into a spirit which they call , "Chinese Wine ". It's more like Hong Kong Headbanger if you ask me and they DO let their hair down after a few of those !

Cheers to Brightside , Sun or Swan !

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We used to go in every Christmas eve, it had a big fireplace at the back and when you walked across the floor the floorboards squeeked like mad!

I do have a picture of my mate sat at the back of the room, but it doesn't really show any of the pub :(

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Originally posted by risingsun



No not the Swan. We drove pass your pub tonight and I've got it mixed up with the other one down the road, is it the Railway?

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