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Parking in Hillsborough watchout


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If these 'vulnerable' members of our society are in such a poor state, i'd hope they weren't in charge of a motor vehicle in the first place.


You don't have to be in a poor state to be "vulnerable", although the two often go hand in hand.


Are you a member of the school of thought that thinks ALL motorists are fair game to any scam?

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You don't have to be in a poor state to be "vulnerable", although the two often go hand in hand.


Are you a member of the school of thought that thinks ALL motorists are fair game to any scam?


No, i'm a member of the school of thought that thinks ALL motorists should play the same game.


If someone chooses to ignore or is that dense not to notice all the signage telling them the GAME rules, they should hand in their chips and take up some other pastime.

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No, i'm a member of the school of thought that thinks ALL motorists should play the same game.


If someone chooses to ignore or is that dense not to notice all the signage telling them the GAME rules, they should hand in their chips and take up some other pastime.


He likes to ignore questions put to him also :D

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You don't have to be in a poor state to be "vulnerable", although the two often go hand in hand.


Are you a member of the school of thought that thinks ALL motorists are fair game to any scam?


Seeing that you ignored/was not able to answer my last questions to you


Can you tell me why it is a scam ?

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Because they are the ones who are frightened by the demands, and are suckered in by mock penalty fines; the elderly, life's underdogs, the ones who don't know their rights, and don't have access or the know-how to use internet forums and find out what their rights in law are.


Elderly: Shouldn't be allowed to drive. Sounds dangerous.


Underdogs: So thick that they shouldn't be in possession of a driving licence. Sounds even more dangerous.


Sad but true Darth.

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I've said it before on at least one of the numerous threads started (funny how all the people getting 'invoiced' can type, but not read heh) why does everyone join in the bun fight to park in that car park, when you can pay 50p to park above the arcade, or park in the Co Op for free?

There hasn't been an attendant on at the Co Op for well over a year now i'm sure.


Coop & Arcade are hardly suitable if you approach from Penistone rd.


Coop is very tight for parking with posts limiting some spaces.

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its not a fine ,its an invoice for parking on private land .


Why ignore signs informing people of the parking time limits on Private land?

And then complain when you get an invoice at the agreed fee for your rental of the space you have used?

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Seeing that you ignored/was not able to answer my last questions to you


Can you tell me why it is a scam ?


I didn't see your post as it was at the bottom of the page, I had read the previous post and then whilst posting a reply, yours must have appeared in the meantime, as the last one on the previous page. I am not fixed to my laptop, I have logged off and returned in the meantime. Forgive me for not being available for you.


You have misread, or misinterpreted my post, as I did not say it was a scam, even though I believe it be so, in fact I believe it is far worse. (So YOU are, in fact, unable to read and understand correctly, like those you mock.)


BUT given the rudeness, arrogance, tone, and blinkeredness displayed in your posts, forgive me if I choose not to continue any dialogue with you.


Such parking charges are neither justifiable nor defensible in my opinion and the only ones that attempt to feebly defend them, are usually those that benefit from them, in my experience.

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