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Parking in Hillsborough watchout


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Errrr, no. last updated 2008! :hihi: Don't thank me now. Goodnight Darthy enjoy your tipple. :)


Possibly due for a ban so no skin off my nose, but I must say 'Loubeelou' I pray to the almighty you a reincarnate of a poster we have all had witness to in the past, however I guess not.


It is probably about time you got down from your steed and stopped passing judgement on everyone who posts on here and got a life, join the local W.I or do some flower arranging for the parish (I'm sure you would be welcome and you could still find time to look down on people).


Your posts present to me the person who is really the epitomy of every nimbyist, better than you, came from muck but thinks they are platinum plonker... who despite their elevated status (despite their poor daughter having to CATCH A BUS!!) assumes us all to be un equal to them and the trodden down masses.


Loubeelou... wake up call, you are not that big and important. :)

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Possibly due for a ban so no skin off my nose, but I must say 'Loubeelou' I pray to the almighty you a reincarnate of a poster we have all had witness to in the past, however I guess not.


It is probably about time you got down from your steed and stopped passing judgement on everyone who posts on here and got a life, join the local W.I or do some flower arranging for the parish (I'm sure you would be welcome and you could still find time to look down on people).


Your posts present to me the person who is really the epitomy of every nimbyist, better than you, came from muck but thinks they are platinum plonker... who despite their elevated status (despite their poor daughter having to CATCH A BUS!!) assumes us all to be un equal to them and the trodden down masses.


Loubeelou... wake up call, you are not that big and important. :)


The truth hurts you I see fox20thc. It is good that you take your hatred out on me, rather than a weaker character. Rest assured I will be your shoulder to cry on. Don't feel the need to thank me, but if you wish to, save it 'till tomorrow. Sleep tight. :)

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garthy just had a fine, I entered at 11.44 and 43secs and was recorded leaving at 11. 54 and 44 secs, fine says I stayed over the 10 minutes allowed,I asked where does it say 10 mins are allowed, can I question the timer as 1 second is a blink of an eye, also when you enter to the back of farmfoods there is a sign to the left saying max. stay 2 hours, also when It goes to court [ I dought] I have photos of this sign, think how many people will pay this firm with no questions asked, they've got more chance of knitting fog than gettin 50 big ones off Bally

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I suggest anyone who gets a fine should do their homework and present their case to the Manager of the business premises involved (eg Farmfoods), not the parking company, stating that they wish them to contact the parking company on their behalf and quash the fine, or they will be boycotting their business. Retailers can not afford to lose valuable customers in these uncertain times.
save your breath darth its because of people like louby saremongering gullible people pay these INVOICES ,im glad shes not my mate:suspect:
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NO, IT'S A FINE! If you are given a time limit to park on private land, then exceed it, you are trespassing (Illegal).


It's not a fine, a fine can only be handed out by a court. There is no criminal law of trespass, only civil, so the fee is an invoice or charge. You cannot arrest a trespasser because this deprives them of their right to cure the trespass by leaving. Trespass is not illegal unless agrivated.


I believe the council calls their tickets civil enforcement penalties or some such, specifically avoiding the word "fine" (because that may invalidate the ticket)


By paying the initial charge, you have agreed to, and entered a contract. Break the contract and you will be fined, so don't moan about it. :loopy:


No you can't be fined for breaching a contract, you may be asked to pay a penalty or charge, but it is not a fine.

Edited by Magilla
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It's not a fine, a fine can only be handed out by a court. There is no criminal law of trespass, only civil, so the fee is an invoice or charge. You cannot arrest a trespasser because this deprives them of their right to cure the trespass by leaving. Trespass is not illegal unless agrivated.


I believe the council calls their tickets civil enforcement penalties or some such, specifically avoiding the word "fine" (because that may invalidate the ticket)




No you can't be fined for breaching a contract, you may be asked to pay a penalty or charge, but it is not a fine.


So anyone handed a spot fine by the police should just tell the officer that they are not allowed to give them out and refuse to pay it ?

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