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Parking in Hillsborough watchout


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watch out everybody if your parking in the carpark in hillsbrough at the back of farmfoods on bradfield road

as there is now cameras dont know how long they have been there but we have just had a fine through post saying we have to pay £80 ..£50 if we pay in 14 days as we parked there for 20 mins you are only allowed 15 mins

god knows how they think you can do your shopping in 15 mins


going to have a look to see if there is any signs up saying this

just watch out they are watching us

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If you've got nothing to offer the world, but want to get very rich quick without earning it, taking others' earnings, and have no scruples whatsoever, preying on the vunerable, form your own parking services company. :hihi:


How do you come to this conclusion?

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There have been signs up for years telling you you can't park past Farm Foods, there was also a parking warden based there for a short period of time issuing fines to those who couldn't read.


I've said it before on at least one of the numerous threads started (funny how all the people getting 'invoiced' can type, but not read heh) why does everyone join in the bun fight to park in that car park, when you can pay 50p to park above the arcade, or park in the Co Op for free?


There hasn't been an attendant on at the Co Op for well over a year now i'm sure.

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How do you come to this conclusion?


Because they are the ones who are frightened by the demands, and are suckered in by mock penalty fines; the elderly, life's underdogs, the ones who don't know their rights, and don't have access or the know-how to use internet forums and find out what their rights in law are.

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Because they are the ones who are frightened by the demands, and are suckered in by mock penalty fines; the elderly, life's underdogs, the ones who don't know their rights, and don't have access or the know-how to use internet forums and find out what their rights in law are.


If these 'vulnerable' members of our society are in such a poor state, i'd hope they weren't in charge of a motor vehicle in the first place.

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Because they are the ones who are frightened by the demands, and are suckered in by mock penalty fines; the elderly, life's underdogs, the ones who don't know their rights, and don't have access or the know-how to use internet forums and find out what their rights in law are.


The same people who see the signs telling them the penalty if they disregard the notices.

Why do these people think that they can just park anywhere for however long they want to?

Why do they ignore the signs?

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