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Parking in Hillsborough watchout


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I got one of these letters recently telling me they want £80, £50 if I pay in 4 days, and £110 if not paid within 18 days.

Two things worry me here: OK, I parked for 20 minutes in a place where the limit is 10 minutes (apparently- never saw the sign) but my worry is that they got my name and address from my registration number. Where did they get this from???


Secondly, although it doesn't anywhere on this letter mention the word "fine", they do quote an "offence number" so is this their wording to put the wind up people? Not on I think.


(By the way, we actually parked to get two roller blinds from Dunelm Mills. I rang the shop manager and she got it waived for me).

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Mike84. Will you offerme a full indemnity if I take your advice ?


It's up to you if you take my advice or not. I'd suggest doing your own research on the subject and then decide if your going to pay up.


Personally I've never paid these types of invoice and heard nothing in over 12 months. There are loads of consumer websites, such as pepipoo, money supermarket etc.


If you get a ticket from the police or local authority remember to pay unless you are challenging the decision.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same applies to you.

Despite your reference to another thread being outside the realms of "forum etiquette" I will humour you.

It does not say anywhere that I received a fine, parked on private land, or anything to that effect. READ CAREFULLY FOR ONCE. :hihi:


Firstly, unsubstantiated accusations assasinating my character, and then secondly, questionning my honesty... Tsk tsk - you do know there ARE laws about THAT, don't you?


My dear Darth Vader

This will be my last reply to you as you only seem to want to argue. I asked you some simple enough questions about what you had posted in relation to the topic of this thread and all I got back was an attack on myself, saying that I am unable to read and understand correctly. (post 30)

And by the way, I cannot find in any of my posts any resemblance to, rudeness, arrogance, tone? or a blinkeredness to whatever, the blinkeredness that I can find though is your own, when your post is challenged, you dont reply other than to insult. (pre post 30)

Well my dear, it seems that it is you that is having problems with reading and understanding as I never said you did call it a scam (post 25)

Then you replied having a go at me about "forum etiquette". The thread that I gave a link to was relevant as it is on topic with this thread, ok I may have read your "word play" wrong on that thread as it didnt actually say YOU got the ticket as such but you as a family did, well I stand corrected for that, but as for forum etiquette, is it not also forum etiquette to stay on topic and attack a post and not the poster ?

As I said, I asked you questions about what you wrote in your posts but you for some reason had to resort to name calling.

(forum etiquette)?

And as for your last statement,

When have I assasinated your character?

I cant find anything that I have wrote that comes anywhere near resembling this.

Questioning your honesty?

If you want to make posts on a forum using word games and making out that you have been the victim when you now say you havnt then you should expect to have your honesty questioned.



Unlike you I will stand by your statement and choose not to continue any dialogue with YOU!


May I also appologise to the OP for taking the thread off topic for this post.

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If it is a car park for the shops then it is a rip off who can do their shopping in 15 minutes? Sounds like its just a money making scheme, people should contact the shops and say get it sorted or we will boycott your shops.


I think it is 2 hours in the car park, but the area which is directly behind the shops is for pick ups, loading/unloading/staff parking is 15 minutes, as this is set aside for people delivering and picking items up so the customers dont have to carry the heavy/large items down to the car park, but some people just think they can park wherever they like and the signs dont apply to them.




Just a thought....I wonder how many of the people who have ignored/refused to pay the fines/invoices have now been blacklisted by the companies involved without them knowing, maybe in the run up to Christmas we might get some threads from these people ranting about being unable to get credit for the kids toys.

Edited by jongo
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I think it is 2 hours in the car park, but the area which is directly behind the shops is for pick ups, loading/unloading/staff parking is 15 minutes, as this is set aside for people delivering and picking items up so the customers dont have to carry the heavy/large items down to the car park, but some people just think they can park wherever they like and the signs dont apply to them.




Just a thought....I wonder how many of the people who have ignored/refused to pay the fines/invoices have now been blacklisted by the companies involved without them knowing, maybe in the run up to Christmas we might get some threads from these people ranting about being unable to get credit for the kids toys.



I'd imagine you can only be black listed for defaulting on a credit agreement in line with the consumer credit act or possibly a court order. As you don't enter into any agreement and the action by the parking company never reaches court i'd say this wouldn't be possible.


Plus the fact I have had no problems obtaining credit & my experian report is fine suggests this hasn't / can't happened.

Edited by mike84
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Why do us british love breaking rules, but when we get caught breaking them and it could cost us money do we suddenly get very defensive?


Trying to find anyway what so ever to make sure we get away with it??

If it is private land surely it is upto the person who's land it is to make the rules and you should obey them rules, if it was your property i bet you would change your tune!


Simple advice to avoid this in future, make sure you use your eyes!! when you park you car, make sure you look for and make yourself aware of any signage and what the signage states before leaving your car, that way if it said your could only park for 15mins and you know you will be longer, you would find somewhere else to park, wouldnt you??

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