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Parking in Hillsborough watchout


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:hihi: No eastbank, not a clamper, just a law abiding citizen. :hihi: I know your drive is free, as you park on your neighbours drive. :hihi: Thanks for the offer, but still haven't received your address by PM. I will save you the trouble if there are no fashionable boutiques to visit in your area. :hihi: :hihi:



no boutiques...just loads of room to park...nice chippy though and a boozer...i just love sheffield 12.....

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What I dont understand is why none of the people who refuse to pay the fines can actually give a valid reason why they have the right to ignore signs clearly displayed setting out the terms of parking.


There isn't one, that's why.


The main reason I haven't paid because the 'invoice' amounts are extortion and have no resembalance to the so called offence. £100 for being 5 minutes over a pay and display ticket.


Also, I believe the main reason why these 'invoices' are not enforceable is that a sign in a car park does not represent you and the company entering into an agreement / contract. In effect the signs might as well not be there.

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I received a "ticket" for waiting with car engine running whilst my friend nipped into Dunhelm to collect a large roller blind. When I spoke to a car park representative about the ticket they said I had been in a restricted area where I wasn't allowed to park. I was only waiting and not in a parking space I said, so he then said I was allowed to wait for 10 mins and I over stayed by 1 min 40 secs:roll:. Signs state permit holders parking etc, but no waiting time restrictions are displayed on any signs in the zone behind the shops. I can read, I was not intentionally breaking rules, and have seen lots of people collecting larger items from shops waiting there. If I had wanted to park I would have used the correct procedure and found a parking bay, I even have a disabled parking badge.

I have sent a letter of appeal and stated that none of their signs outline the issue that got me the ticket. I also have photographic evidence!:rant:

I only hope that the local shops address this serious missuse of ambiguous regulations before the recession and loss of regular and potential customers close the businesses down.

p.s. I can read but I do apologise for any spelling mistakes:D

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I only hope that the local shops address this serious missuse of ambiguous regulations before the recession and loss of regular and potential customers close the businesses down.

p.s. I can read but I do apologise for any spelling mistakes:D


I doubt it is anything to do with the local shops as they are many and varied on that stretch and more to do with the landowner.

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My dear Darth Vader

This will be my last reply to you as you only seem to want to argue. I asked you some simple enough questions about what you had posted in relation to the topic of this thread and all I got back was an attack on myself, saying that I am unable to read and understand correctly. (post 30)

And by the way, I cannot find in any of my posts any resemblance to, rudeness, arrogance, tone? or a blinkeredness to whatever, the blinkeredness that I can find though is your own, when your post is challenged, you dont reply other than to insult. (pre post 30)

Well my dear, it seems that it is you that is having problems with reading and understanding as I never said you did call it a scam (post 25)

Then you replied having a go at me about "forum etiquette". The thread that I gave a link to was relevant as it is on topic with this thread, ok I may have read your "word play" wrong on that thread as it didnt actually say YOU got the ticket as such but you as a family did, well I stand corrected for that, but as for forum etiquette, is it not also forum etiquette to stay on topic and attack a post and not the poster ?

As I said, I asked you questions about what you wrote in your posts but you for some reason had to resort to name calling.

(forum etiquette)?

And as for your last statement,

When have I assasinated your character?

I cant find anything that I have wrote that comes anywhere near resembling this.

Questioning your honesty?

If you want to make posts on a forum using word games and making out that you have been the victim when you now say you havnt then you should expect to have your honesty questioned.



Unlike you I will stand by your statement and choose not to continue any dialogue with YOU!


May I also appologise to the OP for taking the thread off topic for this post.


You seem to live in a parallel universe. Good. And I'm not "your dear".

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Yes I did, and I meant it. Take a trip to Dore village and see how the elderly perform there, It's frightening! Most of them can't even see, never mind drive. As for the underdogs. Do you mean people that don't understand their rights? Or people that can't read? Is there a difference? Please explain your definition of underdog.


If you weren't clear, maybe you should have asked, especially before replying. :rolleyes: You see, not EVERYTHING that is there in black in white is clear cut.


Your reply I referred to shows a complete and utter lack of respect for the elderly and less priviliged sections of society.

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NO, IT'S A FINE! If you are given a time limit to park on private land, then exceed it, you are trespassing (Illegal). By paying the initial charge, you have agreed to, and entered a contract. Break the contract and you will be fined, so don't moan about it. :loopy:


Absolute tosh! It is not a fine, it is a charge or an invoice. Only when you agree to pay the said invoice or charge, are you agreeing to the ridiculous fees/charges, as illustrated by the court case I earlier referred to, where the judge ruled, as it is contract/civil law, then the landowner can only claim for actual losses, which would be whatever percentage of the initial parking time x by the appropriate initial fee.

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What I dont understand is why none of the people who refuse to pay the fines can actually give a valid reason why they have the right to ignore signs clearly displayed setting out the terms of parking.


Because a judge has ruled in a court of law that the charges are unreasonable and therefore unenforcable in terms of contract/civil law?



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