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Would you get a British Passport?

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Kettle and Queens bday. Like I care when her birthday is, (although I'll remember it now)! And I've taken things back before because I haven't liked it, or got two and not had a problem changing it!


Some of those questions were quite hard and I don't think have anything to do with being British! I bet people from other countries would equally get questions wrong about their own countries!

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9! dont know (or care much) about queens bday.


I'm sure she gets enough pressies to keep her going.


Despite my moaning at times I'm proud to be a citizen in this country and what it stands for. I only started to appreciate this after travelling abroad. We do have a stronger emphasis than most nations on decency, kindness, honesty, fair play. Also emotional repression, poor food, conservatism etc.


But on balance, I'd rather be here than there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A dismal one out of ten. Spelt my name right, I think.


Doesn't matter much as my passport's been confiscated anyway. Why do English Football fans always get the blame for everything? I did not nut that kraut during the World Cup, but whose story did they believe? That's British justice for you.

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I would never get a British passport.


Because I'm so proud of this country and consider its scenery, customs, people and food to be the best in the world so have no desire to ever go abroad.

And before anyone asks, yes, I have been abroad before during 12 years in the army (the best army in the world, EVER, bar none)

My only criticism, we make lousy family cars.

RULE BRITANNIA !!! :thumbsup:

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