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I'm from Lowedges and proud!


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oh dear....thanks for all your comments Good and Bad...still happy on Lowedges, have never been to the shops in slippers or rollers. Have never been unemployed, don't smoke but am n not going to go on!!!!

'It is not the house that makes the home'

Merry Christmas all of you, where ever you live. May you be happy and find peace

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I lived on the Lowedges for 20 years from the 50's through to the 70's when it was a decent place to be. Its been spoiled by the low lifes that now inhabit the place.


Yep me too, well at least for 18 years. but before you label people remember that they grew up in a different world to you. Who knows what you would have turned into if you had had the influences that they have had??

Yes it was a really nice place in your day, and later in mine, but the world and it's baggage is different now.................

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I used to live on topham way next to the shops for a while, and i found it ok really.

It's got it's dodgy characters, but hasn't everywhere these day's.

The only thing that bugged me about Lowedges is how far away from everywhere it felt, and how long it used to take to get into the city centre.

All in all id say there are quite a few areas in Sheffield which are a lot worse.

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  • 3 months later...

Could somebody tell me what Atlantic Crescent is like please?....


Reason I ask is because I have been offered a flat there (well bedsit lol) with the conucil and after living in Hillsborough most of my life in private housing, I would like to know if its a bad area?, or not lol?.


Any info on the matter would be greatly helpful :)

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I've just moved away from it after living there all my life.


I Lived on Atlantic Road but have lived on Gresley Road for the past 27 years.

Am sad to move away because i'll miss the people, and there are a lot of decent folk on that estate who have all been there a long time.


It has problems like everywhere else, but overall is an OK place, as long as you get on with everyone and just act friendly enough :)

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