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The Chair - short poem


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The Chair


I await the guest ‘s arrival

I’m sure he won’t be late

To swiftly conclude business

We have set for this date


I glance up at the wall clock

The time is almost four

I hear someone is tapping

Upon my chamber door


The guest has two men with him

Both wear a solemn look

One man wears a uniform

The other holds a book


The guest enters my chamber

And I offer him a chair

He gives his head a shake

But I insist that he sits there


The pastor reads the bible

The warden says ‘Farewell’

Then I switch on the current

And send my guest to Hell

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Very good :thumbsup: what an interesting outcome, so sad :(


Hi Jo, I only do sad poems:confused:

Which is a bit odd as I am not a sad sort of person



No gifts around the Christmas tree

A curled up sandwich on my knee

A glass of warm beer, now gone flat

A torn and faded party hat

The weather like my soul is cold

There’s no warm girl for me to hold

The mistletoe should be a wreath

It has the kiss of death beneath

No greeting cards, just bills and debts

No money to buy cigarettes

The phone hangs silent on the wall

I have no friends that I can call

Sitting here in abject gloom

A dull and shabby bedsit room

There’s no TV for me to view

Merry Christmas, God bless you

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Very interesting poems here.:)


Glad you find them interesting!'

Here is one about growing up and parenthood


Rebel Without a Claus


They always told me what to do

‘Eat your dinner. Fasten your shoe

Do this. Do that. Go here. Stay there

Get rid of that dirty old teddy bear’


‘Of course there is no Santa Claus

Ask those smart arse friends of yours’

Don’t do this and Don’t do that

Walk the dog. Don’t tease the cat’


‘Go to your room. Stay off the phone

Toe the line ‘til you are grown

You must do this. You can’t do that

Don’t tell your Grandma that she’s fat’


‘That’s not how you should behave

You’ll drive us to an early grave

Do your homework. Don’t sniff glue

Don’t wear that shirt of Wednesday blue’


‘Don’t stay out late, Be early to school

Just do as you’re told you little fool

You’re never right. You’re always wrong

A Remand Home is where you belong’


Mum and Dad knew best you see

It did not count what suited me

‘Do this. Do that. Go here. Stay there

Don’t be a hippie and cut your hair’


‘Who’s that girl you were with last night?

Find another whose skin is white

No you can’t and Yes you can

Take your medicine now young man’


They must have thought I was on parole

And tried to implant thought-control

They told me ’ It’s because we care’

But when I needed help, they were not there

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They just get better and better. Are you really in Kuala Lumpur ?


Thanks a lot! You are too kind

Yes I am in KL, I have been here for seven years, its a great place to live

Although technically I live about a kilometre outside KL in the state of Selangor, which gives me an excuse to post another poem:)



Selangor Night


As dusk precedes Selangor night

I sit and watch the drifting light

The last rays of the sun glow gold

As clouds of silver grey unfold


Wraithlike shapes that float and curl

The moon’s an incandescent pearl

A thunderbolt lights up the skies

Celestial fire that quickly dies


Now darkness masks the hills afar

Each city light a twinkling star

With flashing lights of blue and red

An outbound jet flies overhead


The western sky is midnight blue

But to the East a different hue

As dawn succeeds Selangor night

I sit and watch the drifting light

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Very good. How long does it take you to make these up ? What is Etymology ?


I guess 'Selangor Night' took a couple of hours - which is about the average time

It was easy to do as it is basically about the view from my bedroom

'Bolibar' has taken a lot longer - I have now written a second part as I coud not bear the thought of the poor little sod in eternal Hell


Etymology is the study of word origins

For example my surname: 'Marshall' originates from the French word 'Marechal 'who was the head groom of the stables.

Above him was the 'Count of the Stable' which became 'Constable'

Paradoxically, a Constable is now a low rank in the police force, whereas Marshal is about the most senior rank in the Army (Field Marshal) or Air Force (Air Marshal)

There you go, another piece of totaly useless information!:hihi:

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I guess 'Selangor Night' took a couple of hours - which is about the average time

It was easy to do as it is basically about the view from my bedroom

'Bolibar' has taken a lot longer - I have now written a second part as I coud not bear the thought of the poor little sod in eternal Hell


Etymology is the study of word origins

For example my surname: 'Marshall' originates from the French word 'Marechal 'who was the head groom of the stables.

Above him was the 'Count of the Stable' which became 'Constable'

Paradoxically, a Constable is now a low rank in the police force, whereas Marshal is about the most senior rank in the Army (Field Marshal) or Air Force (Air Marshal)

There you go, another piece of totaly useless information!:hihi:


No, its not useless information. You would get on with Waltheof who also likes to study the origin of words.

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