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Why do disabled badge holders get free parking?

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I read a stat the other day which said that something like 90% of people with disabilities are not in full time work. That shocked me. In many cases it only takes a small adjustment to allow people to take up a full time job - getting parking is just one factor that can really help.


It's hard when people cannot 'see' the disability. I've probably huffed and puffed at people myself before now, not realising they do a disability I cannot see. And I know how it feels, whivh is the strange thing, as people have said directly to my face "there's nothing wrong with you, you're lying" when I tell them about my own problem. This kind of reaction to me just makes me despise people, I'm sorry. So I perfectly understand when people get angry when others have a go because of an invisible disability.


When I was using a wheelchair I knew I'd be out of it soon, so I didn't bother going through the process of having a pass for the few months I'd need it, but I do think you can get these things temporarily. I would imagine that physical damage after childbirth would be painful, and I'd recommend asking the doctor about being recommended for a parking permit temporarily.

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Sunshiner - sorry you seem to have been misunderstood. That's what I meant by my other message. Try calming down before replying. I know that you were worked up when you first replied and that is why it came across the way it did.


But I have replied in the heat of the moment and have also been misunderstood!


Mathom - often yes, you can generally get a job. But it has been impossible for me!

I am ill a lot of the time as well as having mobility trouble so am not very reliable, I'm at college during the day and nobody wants me!

I can't stand for a long time, or walk far, which does seriously limit you.


But yes, that statistic is amazing! I do agree with others, that some people milk it, if I could get a job I would but there are people who are quite happy to live off their DLA.


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thank u lotti

im just waiting for an appoligy off the other girl who was very rude to me and obviously just skims the posts and if she is reading this unless u have all the facts right keep your own mouth shut (that was aimed at the girl who was rude to me not lotti)

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is anyone else apalled at the advert




that's appearring, here which says "get a blue badge, even if you are not disabled!"

As a genuine blue badge holder, I am mightily annoyed and offended by it!

Is there any way that ad can be vetoed, please?




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Hi PT,


Unfortunately that blasted ad comes courtsey of Google and the ad presented depends upon teh subject matter on the thread.


It's back now - I'll mention it to Geoff the next time I see him but I don't THINK there's a way we can filter the ads...



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PT, I see the ad you mean, shocking:rant:


Sunshiner, you first came across as very against disabled people receiving DLA, but now you have clarified things- poeple claiming DLA when they don't really need it- is an entirely different matter.


It can be very daunting and difficult to get DLA and the Blue Badge- I suppose this is to put people off claiming fraudulently, but unfortunately this type of person knows how to 'play' the system to their advantage- while a person genuninely struggling with care and mobility needs (i.e. life in general!) will probably not feel strong enough to appeal against the almost inevitable initial rejection, or to even put the case forward in a way that's likely to succeed in the first place. I can only suggest that people use the services of advice centres (CAB etc), advocacy workers. If you have a disability, get on the net- there's bound to be a site with support groups/ forums where they can help you.

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Originally posted by Mathom

I read a stat the other day which said that something like 90% of people with disabilities are not in full time work. That shocked me. In many cases it only takes a small adjustment to allow people to take up a full time job - getting parking is just one factor that can really help.


It's hard when people cannot 'see' the disability. I've probably huffed and puffed at people myself before now, not realising they do a disability I cannot see. And I know how it feels, whivh is the strange thing, as people have said directly to my face "there's nothing wrong with you, you're lying" when I tell them about my own problem. This kind of reaction to me just makes me despise people, I'm sorry. So I perfectly understand when people get angry when others have a go because of an invisible disability.


When I was using a wheelchair I knew I'd be out of it soon, so I didn't bother going through the process of having a pass for the few months I'd need it, but I do think you can get these things temporarily. I would imagine that physical damage after childbirth would be painful, and I'd recommend asking the doctor about being recommended for a parking permit temporarily.


The reason we aren't working is that for all the Government's bleating about equal opportunities and all that crap, what employer is going to give a disabled person a job when it's cheaper for them to employ an able bodied person as they wouldn't have to make any changes to their premises to service a wheelchair user for example.. :loopy:


And don't even get me started on how much I think the job centre system is designed to be against disabled clients.. :rant:


I'm sorry for ranting, it just disgusts me that employers and the "Powers that be" bang on about "equal" opportunities for all, yet we disabled folk are still getting told where to go when we apply for jobs.. It wouldn't be QUITE so bad if it wasn't for the fact that getting benefits off the DSS is like pulling teeth what with all the needlessly complicated forms and retarded red tape we have to contend with.

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