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Why do disabled badge holders get free parking?

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Algy, I'm not sure if this is still the case, I think if it is, it ought to be changed.


And as this happened yesterday I thought it was the perfect time to comment.


I went to tesco the other day and out of all the disabled spaces there are (are there 12?), there were 2 free and 2 cars with badges.


I went to Meadowhall today and had to park at the far end of the car park and walk all the way across the car park to the centre past all the cars without badges in the disabled spaces!


Why are they not checked? Surely they ought to get a fine if they don't have a badge? At least that way, if their badge is on it's way in the post or they haven't got it with them, they can appeal the fine.


It bugs me!

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I'm sure in the supermarket I shop in there is a notice which says any cars parked in the disabled slots without showiing a badge will be fined, as I remember quite a lot of money.

As for who does the checks I'm not sure.



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I've seen a 'car park attendant' at Asda going round checking the cars there, about time too.


As for Blue Badges for temporary disability (if that's the right term) I think they should bring them in.


My dad broke his leg quite a while back now. He parked in a disabled space (for some reason he was able to drive but he still had a pot on)? Anyway, when he came back to the car he'd got a ticket (was in a council car park). He wrote to the council explaining that he considered himself 'disabled' for that short period of time, and they cancelled the ticket.

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1 spell my name right SUNSHINER and 2 you was sla**ing disable people and i have a right to rant if you are and 3 you wont be getting no apology off me,it you who should be apolgise to all the people you offended including me. I DONT CARE IF I HAVE UPSET YOU IN THE LEAST and for skimming the posts you got me wrong my daughter has been in hospital as she fell into a diabetic coma so i have had more important things on my mind then worrying about what sum little moron has been saying about ME. get a life

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I must say i would have to agree with louise on this one. I'm sorry to hear of your very difficult situation louise with your daughter, I am living with my father who suffers with a terminal illness, and after reading the posts on here about a ridiculous comment on disabled badge holders it made me feel sick.


Do you people have any idea what it is like seeing your dad suffer and be closer to death every day? I'm afraid the last thing on our minds is my dads car parking badge. Trying to think i wont see my dad on my next birthday is more important.


You dont have a clue. Very pathetic topic to pick.

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thanks ever so much claire for your support. At least there is sum decent people out there unlike sum people (not mentioning any names) who could understand the situation that disabled people have to put up with off unconsiderate human beings. EVERYDAY IS A BLESSING WITH MY DAUGHTER....... the apology is not accepted

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i wasnt appoligizing i was asking u for 1 as u was very rude to me when all i did was put an oppinion over abount people who are doing jobs that arnt lagit that there dissabilty is supposed to stop them from doing aka frauds which is unfair to the people who really need it as it holds up other claims

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and for another check the post and see who it was whop started on you just because you ,may have a dissabled person in your family doesnt meen that u have the right to go slagging every1 else off for there oppinions non of ,my oppinions were aimed at u in favct completely the oppisate it was aimed at the people who are trying it on holding the system up and making life hard for the people who shud be entitled to it and i dont just meen myself

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Sunshiner.Your comments when you first came to post did read like you were digging at people for getting dla.Maybe we misunderstood you and you didnt mean it like that.You went on to say how you couldnt get dla when you were ill yourself.I know this upset you but there are others in the same situation..Louise170419 was upset but you have to realise that when you have a disabled child you are fiercely protected of them.I know as i have one myself. My son has a range of problems in mobility and his learning.You were right that the post was started by mo but mo just asked a straight forward question yours was a comment that was replied to by quite a few people.

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thank you dee, and i havent slagged any1 off , at the moment im having a really bad time with my daughter and i nearly losted her at the weekend, its not nice waking up to find your daughter in a coma,and i dont agree with people pulling disabled people down mayb i didnt understand you at first sunshiner but you did have to carry it on with private messages pulling me to bits . you wanna put yourself in my shoes and do my job as a full time mum / carer and work believe me its not fun as you do lose aload of mates in the process, as sum mates dont wanna be mates with some1 who child has got a disability as they cant cope with the pain and the suffering the carer is going through and all the doctors want to do is put you on anti depressants. but at the end of the day ive got a daughter who depends on me and everyday with her is a blessing and you will be waiting along time for an apology you are never going to receive of me it should be the other way round louise sorry any1 if i have offended you in anyway:thumbsup:

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