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Does anyone know what is happening to the Punch Bowl at Crookes?

Guest makapaka

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i agree with you to a certain extent but the fact that they didn't go in the top shop doesn't mean there aren't any does it? there are lots!

Its true there are plenty about but previos managers made them feel unwelcome as where as we did our best to invite them and make them feel welcome but the reputation of the pub put them off.

With you living in S10 you know what the Top Shop is like.

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There was not many students came in the Punchbowl the ones that did would have one drink and then move onto Broomhill.

The custom that went in the Punchbowl are Crookes people or that have followed Tracy and myself from other pubs from all areas of sheffield.

Through the week I was involved with five pool teams in which have now all left as we have found alternative venues so there is lost revenue there and as for food that is why a lot of the Crookes people went in there because there is no smell of food hence that confirms this was a dinkers pub :loopy:


I never said that many students went to the Punchbowl - I said there are plenty in Crookes and Steel Bank - which there are. I'm more then aware what sort of pub the Punchbowl is / was and why it wouldn't particularly appeal to students.

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might have had a face lift but will never be the same again.

trying to be something its not, getting all your 10 bob millionaires in early evening. and 2.60 a pint of john smiths your havin a laugh... 1.85 down the road in ball till 7pm. never gonna work.


would have worked out if tracey and kev were still running it. the new ones havent got a clue..... 2 weeks open, fighting both weekends. o yeah and dont forget if you drink get a designated driver or you might regret it :)



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Used to be an 'okay' place, albeit one with its very own strange smell.


But more often than not, the Tetley's was a good pint and they used to have a decent quiz on, IIRC, Wednesday nights.


Could I guess that this is another Enterprise Inns establishment?

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ey up kev, all i can say is that your both missed by everyone i know (and u know thats quite a few)


up the blades. ;)



Okay Pete worked out who you were, then Tracy confirmed it when I picked her up from work will see you in club for Gutterband happy days:banana::headbang::banana:

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