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Bolibar Part Two (needs work)


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Many moons would fall and rise

Following Bolibar’s demise

The mother then a daughter bore

With loving gaze she would adore

But guilt lurked in her eyes


When the sister came along

The Piper played a haunting song

No cellar dark for this young lass

No brown glass jar, no whiff of gas

She would grow fast and strong


He heard the Piper’s mournful skirl

For the long dead sibling of the girl

The One knew that He’d failed to stop

A harvest of the Devil’s crop

His thoughts began to whirl



He summoned forth Celexequoste

The mightiest of the Angel host

And told him of his vital quest

‘Go take your steed at my behest

And forever lay this ghost’


The Angel journeyed long and far

And now he stood on Hell’s dark star

He strode up to the Devil’s door

Satan heard his timbrous roar

‘I’ve come for Bolibar’


The Devil’s firm resolve grew weak

As he heard the mighty Angel speak

And so wretched Bolibar was freed

The Angel placed him on his steed

Then kissed him on his cheek


A surge of Heaven’s joy and bliss

A stream of tears for an Angel’s kiss

And in the night sky starlight shined

Bolibar was no longer blind!

And he saw the Devil hiss


They climbed a gold celestial stair

The host of Angels gathered there

They placed in front of Bolibar

Fragments of a brown glass jar

Smashed beyond repair


The End

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Final Version




When the mutant child was born

The Piper at the gates of dawn

Played a dirge into the night

The Devil laughed with such delight

And cried ‘He is my spawn’


His hands were claws, his face a scar

They kept him in a brown glass jar

In a dark, damp cellar stowed away

That never saw the light of day

They named him ‘Bolibar’


He grew into a hideous thing

Scaly skin with hair like string

Poor Bolibar, he yearned so much

To feel his mother’s loving touch

To hear her sweet voice sing


But no words reached his shapeless ears

No friends had he throughout the years

Cold winter nights he slept unclad

But never cried, because he had

No eyes to shed the tears


His mother wished her son deceased

Considered him as Satan’s beast

And when the demons in her head

Convinced her he’d be better dead

Her conscience was released


Her spouse agreed the mutant birth

To keep alive had no real worth

They swore to keep the grisly pact

And carry out the final act

To end his time on Earth


They came and sealed the jar of glass

And pumped in lethal toxic gas

Alone he drew his final breath

Alone he journeyed after death

To join the Devil’s mass


When the mutant child had died

The Piper cast his pipes aside

And as the sun sank in the West

The Devil welcomed his new guest

As angels watched, and cried


One year after the murderous deed

The mother found herself with seed

A perfect baby girl she bore

A child she could at last adore

Fulfilled her every need


The Piper played a mournful song

The birth would never right the wrong

No cellar dark for this young lass

No brown glass jar, no whiff of gas

She would grow big and strong


God heard the Piper’s mournful dirge

Enlightenment came with a surge

Only then He knew He’d failed

A plan must henceforth be unveiled

For the Devil’s Den to purge


He summoned forth Celexequoste

The mightiest of the Angel host

And told him he must go in quest

To free the Devil’s latest guest

And silence Satan’s boast


The Angel journeyed long and far

And now he stood on Hell’s dark star

He strode up to the Devil’s door

Satan heard his timbrous roar

‘I’ve come for Bolibar’


The Devil’s firm resolve grew weak

As he heard the mighty Angel speak

At last poor Bolibar was freed

The Angel placed him on his steed

Then kissed him on his cheek


A surge of Heaven’s joy and bliss

A stream of tears for an Angel’s kiss

Up in the night a shooting star

Flared for the one named Bolibar

And made the Devil hiss


The mutant child climbed Heaven’s stair

To be greeted by the Angels, where

They placed in front of Bolibar

Fragments of a brown glass jar

Smashed beyond repair


The End

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