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Flip blog- Looking for writers!!


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Flip is a research project for a third year Literary Editing module at Sheffield Hallam University. The project idea is an arts-based group blog with an over-arching 'Now & Then' theme, set up, run, and edited by Stephanie Louis, Natasha Jones & Lauren Mather.


Each entry in Flip is a personal account of a specific influence from the past and the author's relationship with it over time i.e. Do they still like it/have they grown to dislike it?


-Influences can be films, literature, television programmes, music, fashion, and art.

-Each piece has a different author (although contributors are welcome to submit multiple pieces if they have the time/inclination)

-The pieces can be as long or short as the author decides


We are always looking for contributers, so if you are interested in writing a piece for Flip, please e-mail us at: flipblog@hotmail.co.uk (previous writing experience is not essential), and we will send you a more detailed outline.


Steph, Tasha & Lauren

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Here is the full outline for you to browse over. The reason the flip blog is has no entries yet is because the pieces are still in the editing process.


To give you a clear idea of what is expected of you as a contributor, we have compiled some guidance notes:

-Your piece needs to cover a specific influence from your past and explore your relationship with it over time. Do you still like it, or have you grown to dislike it?

-Influences must be arts based. (Music, film, television, literature, fashion, art)

-Your piece can be as long or short as you like, but you need to make sure you cover your chosen topic effectively.

-The piece is a personal account, so think carefully about your tone and angle. It will probably be first person and informal – do you want to make it funny/serious, happy/sad, etc.?

-Do you want to include photos/images in your piece? If so, they must be your own and not infringe copyright laws.

-You may embed YouTube videos in your piece to illustrate your chosen topic.

Contact the editorial team if you have any questions. We will be happy to check drafts of your writing if you are having difficulty or are unsure about whether your piece meets the criteria.

-Enjoy yourself!

-We need to have an idea of what your piece will be about, so if you could copy and paste the following brief outline into a new e-mail, fill it out and send it back at your earliest convenience, that would be great!

1. Who/what is your piece about?

2. How would you like to be credited? (Full name? Nickname? Online handle? Anonymous?)

Once we receive your outline, you will have four weeks to submit a finished draft to us, and another week to correct any spelling/grammatical/stylistic/consistency errors we find. We will give you clear, constructive feedback to help you improve as a writer - nothing to be scared of!

Please attach your work to an e-mail and submit it to: flipblog@hotmail.co.uk

We look forward to reading your contributions! Thanks

Steph, Tasha & Lauren

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