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Fuel's too expensive ? It's actually too cheap!

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Sorry but I don't agree with any sort of road pricing...


OK we`ll stick with shifting more tax from income and onto fuel then.

If not that, then what ?

More congestion ?


By the way what price do you put on your time, as an hourly rate ?


Incidentally I`m not sure I fully agree with you that it`s not excessive use of the roads that`s the problem, it`s only excessive use at the wrong time.

How often do you see the M1 empty ?

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OK we`ll stick with shifting more tax from income and onto fuel then.

If not that, then what ?

More congestion ?


By the way what price do you put on your time, as an hourly rate ?


Incidentally I`m not sure I fully agree with you that it`s not excessive use of the roads that`s the problem, it`s only excessive use at the wrong time.

How often do you see the M1 empty ?


Why the question about an hourly rate..I've already said that I hardly ever get caught up in traffic....I see the M1 free flowing most of the time..

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I`ve just spent 20 to 25 mins to drive from Hillsborough Barracks to Wadsely, that`s not far over a mile. If it wasn`t for that fact I was transporting stuff in the car I could have walked quicker, and I do in fact usually walk.

The roads were PACKED, plus numerous one way systems and dead ends etc, because, and one can`t escape this, there are too many cars on the road.

And it`s only going to get worse.

Bearing in mind that most of the cost of fuel is tax, and if you didn`t pay it on your fuel you`d only have to pay it on your income tax, I cannot for the life of me see why anyone argues that fuel is too expensive.

What should the government do, tax a positive (i.e. work) via income tax, or tax a negative (i.e. roads packed with cars) via fuel tax ?

The answer`s obvious.


But you still get petrol heads arguing black is white.....


my bold


it's obvious for you because it would suit you down to the ground, you dont drive much so an increase in duty would have little effect on you but never mind all those haulage companies going out of business and people who live away from bus routes/shops and price increases on almost everything as long as your alright jack. Completely selfish attitude. Where do you park your car? i presume you live around the hillsborough area? a hypocrite as well as selfish why not get rid of your car?

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if people shopped local and walked to the shop there would be no congestion ,if the cost of public transport came down people could leave cars at home


Some people perhaps. But how do you fancy a two mile hike and 800 foot climb from the nearest bus stop to home, loaded with heavy shopping bags, in the p***sing rain and a gale force head wind :hihi:

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my bold


it's obvious for you because it would suit you down to the ground, you dont drive much so an increase in duty would have little effect on you but never mind all those haulage companies going out of business and people who live away from bus routes/shops and price increases on almost everything as long as your alright jack. Completely selfish attitude. Where do you park your car? i presume you live around the hillsborough area? a hypocrite as well as selfish why not get rid of your car?


You`re wrong on so many counts.


I run a vehicle for my business.


I`m advocating a shift in tax from a positive (taxing work via income tax) to taxing a negative, taxing road use. What`s not to like, unless one doesn`t pay income tax of course.

Do you pay income tax ?


The argument about putting hauliers out of business is a non argument because they`d all be paying the same.

This may not apply to foreign hauliers so I think some system should be devised to balance the competition up, say by charging them for road use. However it`s important to remember that the VAST majority of the commercial vehicles in this country are British registered and more to the point fill up using British taxed fuel. And anyway even foreign hauliers would be paying the tax every time they refilled in this country.

They`d have to go back to France to fill up to avoid it.

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And don't forget - he is complaining about people being out in their cars because it is slowing him down while he is...out in his car


I`m complaining about the irrationality of people saying that motoring is too expensive when the roads are bursting at the seams.

I`m complaining about the irrationality of taxing work (i.e. income tax) and not taxing congestion more.

I can`t help laughing out loud whenever they put up fuel tax and the News interviews drivers at the pumps complaining about fuel being too expensive, whilst in the background of the shot is a bleedin` traffic jam......

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You`re wrong on so many counts.


I run a vehicle for my business.


I`m advocating a shift in tax from a positive (taxing work via income tax) to taxing a negative, taxing road use. What`s not to like, unless one doesn`t pay income tax of course.

Do you pay income tax ?


The argument about putting hauliers out of business is a non argument because they`d all be paying the same.

This may not apply to foreign hauliers so I think some system should be devised to balance the competition up, say by charging them for road use. However it`s important to remember that the VAST majority of the commercial vehicles in this country are British registered and more to the point fill up using British taxed fuel. And anyway even foreign hauliers would be paying the tax every time they refilled in this country.

They`d have to go back to France to fill up to avoid it.



so where does the money come in to make up the shortfall? reduced income tax is all well and good but 'everyone' pays income tax. The government takes more money from income tax than in fuel tax so there would be a shortfall. income tax is 29% of money taken versus 5% from fuel duty

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so where does the money come in to make up the shortfall? reduced income tax is all well and good but 'everyone' pays income tax. The government takes more money from income tax than in fuel tax so there would be a shortfall. income tax is 29% of money taken versus 5% from fuel duty


Obviously they can`t eliminate income tax, but they can reduce it by putting up fuel tax.

Incidentally, not everyone pays income tax. Everyone knows about tradesmen who don`t put all their income through the books.

They`re completely out of order in my book. Why should I pay my tax for them and their families to be treated in hospital when they`re too selfish to pay their own tax......

At least they can`t get out of paying the tax on the fuel they put into their car and/or van.

Bring it on I say.

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