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Don't Vote Conservative or Labour

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The last 2 MPs with any integrity whatsoever were Claire Short and Robin Cook who were preared to sacrifice their positions in protest at Tony the Impalers intentions...............


All the rest are currently slithering out from under the lino beneath the sink with all the other slimey insects with a collective bleat of ......... "oh we never knew Tony was fibbing"


The last time a politician fell for such an obvious con / fell for the egg under the hat gag was when a certain Mr Hitler took a certain Mr Chaimberlain into his confidence but at kleast he had the decency to resign once he had the custard pie in the face whereas the current mass murdering collective just go on to bigger and better lifestyles............. Whether its stupidity or compliance is academic to those who have lost their lives because of these nodding donkeys.

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Instead of electing MPs we should select them by lottery. Treat it like Jury Service, it is the only way to ensure that Parliament properly represents public opinion. Perhaps with some safeguards like allowing constituents to instantly recall them if they are obviously nutty or not acting in their interests prompting another lottery to get a replacement.


I like that idea a lot. It won't happen but it's a great idea all the same.

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  • 11 months later...

I've decided to bump this thread back to the top now that the latest bunch of cretins have had time to settle in.


I heard with much sadness today the story of the failed asylum seeker who had killed a 12yr old girl in a car accident, the man escaped being deported by using the ridiculous human rights laws to stay in this country.


It has come to light that publicity seeking parasite David Cameron had personally written to the father of this poor girl with an assurance that the human rights act would be scrapped and replaced with a British charter, of course once elected nothing is done.


I stand by my original thread title.

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For years and years we have voted for these two dispicable parties and I think its about time it ended.


There is virtually nothing to choose between these greedy, sleazy, self serving parasites.


The shadow cabinet only looks better when out of office because most people forget what they were like when they were in power.


Neither party does ANYTHING for the hard working, honest people of this country except use them as a cash cow to fund their own extravagant lifestyles.


Come the election lets not make the same mistake again and vote them back in.


They have virtually ruined and taken away the identity of this once great nation.


better the devil you know

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I've decided to bump this thread back to the top now that the latest bunch of cretins have had time to settle in.


I heard with much sadness today the story of the failed asylum seeker who had killed a 12yr old girl in a car accident, the man escaped being deported by using the ridiculous human rights laws to stay in this country.


It has come to light that publicity seeking parasite David Cameron had personally written to the father of this poor girl with an assurance that the human rights act would be scrapped and replaced with a British charter, of course once elected nothing is done.


I stand by my original thread title.


First of all no party can push through every proposal within months of taking office. Secondly this is a coalition, therefore neither the conservatives nor the Lib Dems control the agenda fully, and lastly to use the news report about this scumbag as a means to bash the government, who incidental are fighting our own courts to throw him out is silly.


I understand your sentiment and the more I watch the pantomime that is Westminster the more I agree with you.

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First of all no party can push through every proposal within months of taking office. Secondly this is a coalition, therefore neither the conservatives nor the Lib Dems control the agenda fully, and lastly to use the news report about this scumbag as a means to bash the government, who incidental are fighting our own courts to throw him out is silly.


I understand your sentiment and the more I watch the pantomime that is Westminster the more I agree with you.


Its just one current example, I could use many more.

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indeed, vote lib dem and have a proper lib dem government


No thanks, there actions in changing their skin to suit the conservatives has made them unelectable (were they ever anything else).


Both main parties say anything to make themselves electable then only get re-elected because after 5yrs or so we forget how bad they were last time they were in power.

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That's because the "party of the working class" that you hanker for has shown, repeatedly and for all to see, just how bankrupt socialism is as a governmental policy. No party with any sense would even attempt to get elected on a socialist ticket any more, because they'd be signing their own death warrant.


Russia and China seem to be doing pretty well for themselves

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