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Don't Vote Conservative or Labour

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For years and years we have voted for these two dispicable parties and I think its about time it ended.


There is virtually nothing to choose between these greedy, sleazy, self serving parasites.


The shadow cabinet only looks better when out of office because most people forget what they were like when they were in power.


Neither party does ANYTHING for the hard working, honest people of this country except use them as a cash cow to fund their own extravagant lifestyles.


Come the election lets not make the same mistake again and vote them back in.


They have virtually ruined and taken away the identity of this once great nation.


OK. Please tell me who to vote for then.

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Totaly true; after nearly 30 years of Tories government I'd rather vote BNP to give the main parties a kick up the rear end.


And kick them horrible non-whites out of this fair isle, eh?


Britian for the whites!!!


When you go to bed at night do you say 'night Nick, I love you'?

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And kick them horrible non-whites out of this fair isle, eh?


Britian for the whites!!!


When you go to bed at night do you say 'night Nick, I love you'?


Im not sure thats a requirment, altho for some having a man with testicles who says what he wants without fear is probably better than a person that just goes with what other countries would like us to be and cow tail to the Yanks or Europe.


I wouldnt vote for the man but you cant take away the fact he is a man of principle (if you agree with them or not)

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Im not sure thats a requirment, altho for some having a man with testicles who says what he wants without fear is probably better than a person that just goes with what other countries would like us to be and cow tail to the Yanks or Europe.


I wouldnt vote for the man but you cant take away the fact he is a man of principle (if you agree with them or not)


Yep, he sure is a man of principle - if he advocated it was ok to have sex with 3 year old children he'd be a man of principle.


I just don't agree with his principles.

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Yep, he sure is a man of principle - if he advocated it was ok to have sex with 3 year old children he'd be a man of principle.


I just don't agree with his principles.


As I said.... if you agree with him or not. I wasnt starting a debate on who loved Nick, just that other so called leaders say what you want to hear and then low and behold let you down from a great hight with lead back packs.


Just look at the two top parties and how they handled the referendum on Europe for a perfect example. Or labours no more boom and bust :hihi:

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As I said.... if you agree with him or not. I wasnt starting a debate on who loved Nick, just that other so called leaders say what you want to hear and then low and behold let you down from a great hight with lead back packs.


Just look at the two top parties and how they handled the referendum on Europe for a perfect example. Or labours no more boom and bust :hihi:


The thing is, neither of the 'main' political parties advocate any agenda that is remotely 'racist' (implied or obvious).


I do not hear Brown, Cameron or Legg using the definition 'non-white' when describing the people of Britain.

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Your talking spanners and chips. They both maybe could not be classed as racists but on the other side of the ticket both of them would sell out our Nation and constitution at the drop of a hat to Europe.


Whether you are extremly against one side or the other its the same kettle of haddock.

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OK. Please tell me who to vote for then.


It's not mandatory to vote (although I'm sure the policians would like to make it so).


Forget all this 'If you don't vote, you don't have a say' twaddle. We just don't have a say, as has been proved time and time again.


The way the 'big two' have skewed the electoral system, one of them is sure to get in. Then they'll stand back and watch people (including many on here) indulge in the type of 'my dad's bigger than your dad' arguments, bringing up Thatcher, 'it was never Socialism', Brown was a good PM :gag: etc. etc.


If nothing else, I'd like to see a turnout of less than 20% (there'll always be enough muppets to believe the hype), the 'winner' declaring 'We have a mandate from the people' and the rest of us shouting, panto-stylee 'Oh no you don't!'


Self-serving scumbags, the lot of them.


And sorry if I haven't come up with an alternative system, because there isn't one. We're stuck with this form of 'democracy' for the forseeable future, unless we see the welcome sight of politicians swinging from lamp posts.

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