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For the forgotten children of Africa


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I’m a boy in Africa, I am five years old today

It’s been three days since any food has come my way

My belly hurts and swells up, just like a balloon

I hope I get a handful of some rice grains very soon


I feel a little faint but I must stay awake you see

There’s a nasty vulture watching from a nearby tree

If I sleep he’ll think I’m dead and start to eat me up

I’d like something to drink, but only dust is in my cup


My mama used to give me milk from her sagging breast

Then I’d snuggle up to her to take my daily rest

I was so contented then and nothing caused me fear

But now I am alone; my mama starved to death last year


My dada’s death three years ago is painful to describe

How he was taken out and murdered by another tribe

I used to have my brothers two and pretty sisters three

But they all went to heaven after catching HIV


It’s very hot upon the plains of Africa today

Flies are buzzing round my head, I wish they’d go away

I think I’ll have a sleep, as so very tired I feel

I hope I wake before that vulture makes me his next meal


God Bless the Children of Africa

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Another interesting poem, Mr Blue.


In this instance, I wonder if the upbeat di-dum di-dum rhythm of the poem is too much at odds with the subject matter i.e. starvation, tribal warfare, AIDS?


However, I really like your image of the little boy being watched by a vulture. I could imagine the whole poem being developed around that.

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Another interesting poem, Mr Blue.


In this instance, I wonder if the upbeat di-dum di-dum rhythm of the poem is too much at odds with the subject matter i.e. starvation, tribal warfare, AIDS?


However, I really like your image of the little boy being watched by a vulture. I could imagine the whole poem being developed around that.


Hi Ron,

You are definitely right about the rythm, it is more like the poor kid is talking about his birthday party, not death and starvation

The poem was actually inspired by a real life photograph of a dying boy in Africa with a vulture waitng to eat him. It won some sort of top photographic prize, sadly the photographer committed suicide through depression not long afterwards

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