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Four Tops - Fiesta Memories

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The sad news that Renaldo Benson of the Tops

passed away last week reminded me of the

great nights we had with the Tops when they

came and performed at the Fiesta

every year in the early Seventies.


With a few City Hall performances for good measure.


Been giving the Tops records a good spin this week !


Any one else with any memories of the group ?

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The 4 tops were a great band & made some great music over the years,it is a shame another star has gone,Luther Vandross a few weeks ago.I saw the drifters at the fiesta around 1979 what a great night.

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I too remember the 4 Tops at the Fiesta they were fantastic I also had the pleasure of meeting Levi Stubbs at the Hallam Towers hotel when I took him a telegram ( I was working on the post office at the time) he was a gentleman and he also gave me a very good tip bless him

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Sad to say that Levi is not in the best of health at the


Duke Fakir is now the only original still performing with

a very good current Tops.


Met the Tops at a Radio Sheffield Sat Morning Live

show from the old Radio Sheffield Shop near Town Hall back in early Seventies.


Roxy Music were there same time -- spoke to a very bored

Bryan Ferry as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I loved the Fiesta. All those little tables and lamps! I had many a great night there but remember one 'not so pleasant' visit. I'd gone with a group of friends to celebrate my birthday. I'd paid for my hair and makeup to be done specially for the evening only for a girl (who was sat at a table above ours), to be sick all over my head and shoulders! It was dreadful and so embarrasing. I was absolutley covered in the horrible stuff and had to be taken into the Management Suite. The management were great and offered to pay for my clothes dry cleaned and did their best to clean me up. However, the night couldn't be salvaged, so I left without even catching a glimpse of the act I'd gone to see. The taxi driver was well miffed with the smell and my clothes went straight in the bin when I got home. I had to shower for ages to erase the odour. Some birthday ey!

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  • 2 months later...

I loved the Fiesta too, I worked there for three years and met my now husband, ah memories on the back staff stairs!!

He was a chef in the kitchen and was responsible for taking food into "the stars" dressing rooms - imagine being able to get into Michael Jacksons dressing room now?? He collected autographs from hundreds of them - guess what, years later during a house move - i threw them all away ( decluttered!) I never will live it down - its always his party piece conversation!:loopy:

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I bought the Four Tops Greatest hits album at the Fiesta that night (for the second time) had worn out the first) and as I was leaving with my girlfriend they came through to get in their car. I asked for an autograph and Obie stopped to sign my album and they all came back to sign it and made the driver and their security guys wait ill the had.

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