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Concert Tickets

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Back in April I booked some concert tickets for a friend for the Stereophonics concert in Cardiff in December. The problem is I was told when I booked these that they would take no more than 99 days to arrive. Obviously this has now passed sometime ago and I still haven't received any tickets. I have contacted Wayahead.com whom I booked the tickets through and now they are telling me that the tickets might not arrive until 10 days before the gig because they are still waiting for them from the promoters. I have never experienced such a delay like this when booking tickets before, has anyone else ever been in the same boat or had any dealings with this company. My friend is a bit concerned because he needs to make travel and accomodation plans but is reluctant to do so without having the tickets. Do you think they will come?

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i'd be almost certain that you will get the tickets - though exactly when is anyone's guess. it's very annoying, i agree.


if your mate doesn't book travel and accomodation, they're gonna be a bit stuck when the tickets arrive, surely?


wayahead have caused me unnecessary ticket stress before, didn't get my glastonbury ticket till it was a week away this year :x

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It is becoming fairly common now for promoters not to send out tickets for gigs until the last minute, in order to discourage people from selling them on places like Ebay. I would go ahead and book you travel/accomodation arrangements.

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No need to worry as this is standard practice for Promotion companies. Check to see whether they have taken the money for the tickets on your statement, if they have then you can safely assume you've got tickets and you can go ahead and book travel and accommodation.

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