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NIT problem in school

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Things we used that are neem based but are expensive but perhaps just about worth it if you can spare the cash:




But treating the problem doesn't have to be expensive. We get this now from various places (Home bargains were doing it for £1.50 a wile back)




It seems to work pretty well - kids use it several times a week and we check with the nit comb every so often. If your kids have a serious infestation bring things under control with the comb and conditioner and use the repellent shampoo to keep the nits away. Please, please don't use the insecticides.

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What used to bug me (haha) was that parents at the school gate would say to me, 'nothing touches them nowadays', but I was always to kill 'em dead with the latest treatment (whether electronic comb, shampoo or whatever) as soon as their bugs walked onto my child's head......

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its not the childs fault she constantly has nits, its down to the parents to keep her off school and get them properly treated before they send her back.This poor child must be the constant talk of the school due to her so called parents not even bothering about the poor kid, get social services involved this is poor neglect of the child.

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  • 2 years later...
Follow her home secretly and post an anonymous letter through their door.


Might seem extreme but if you're serious.


Plus they wont live too far away if they go to the local school.


If you're replying to the OP it's over 2 years old.

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Its so depressing, her scalp is so sore from all the combing and we are all itching too!


Use baby shampoo to wash her hair and a good conditioner then while she is in the shower with conditioner on her hair comb it thoroughly with a nitty gritty comb continuing until there are no more coming out. Repeat to make sure there are none left. If you do this every two or three days you will soon get on top of them. Any areas where she is really sore like behind her ears or the back of her neck you can use a little bit of sudocrem on the skin.

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