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Dog advice please

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Originally posted by kittykat

Ive got a dog and i find it extremely irritating.

Im beginning to think that its brain is somehow retarded as

It pulls on the lead and the only thing that stops it is the nose band lead attachment. He doesnt pull on that cos it yanks its nose round everytime it does which it doesnt like.

I havent taken the current brat of a dog to them

ive resigned myself to the fact he is thick and wouldnt want to show myself up at one of these gatherings.



Hiya KitttyKat...


Please dont take this the wrong way but why have you got a dog ? You refer to him / her as a 'brat' and as 'it'.

He/She irritates you ? Refer to him/her as 'thick' ? Sorry but I just find it a little odd that you have a dog which you appear to not want ??

Was just wondering that's all...

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