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Driving out Daisies


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If you’re thinking of scrimping and saving

to replace your front lawn with block paving

‘cos your parking space then will be double

and nature’s just far too much trouble


Just think as you rip up the turf

what your project will do to the Earth.

And if you’re considering decking

just think of the lives you’ll be wrecking:


From wriggling invertebrates to creatures with wings

- all sorts of multi-limbed, dark, crawly things

inter-reliant for growing and feeding

all part of the circle of living and breeding.


That wonder of nature will no longer be

when your garden resembles an NCP.

You may be content with the landscape you’ve got

as you plonk down a lone token plant in a pot


but the birds and the bees will have packed up and fled

‘cos their living environment is sterile and dead.

But you’re happy your Vectra’s parked right by the door

and you won’t have to mow that old lawn any more.


But please don’t complain when it pours down with rain

and the flood overwhelms the inadequate drain.

Like wildlife, the water must journey elsewhere

for there’s no getting through that impermeable layer.


And onward and wide the development spreads

as mowers and shears lie rusting in sheds

and even those people professing to care

are probably thinking: There’s plenty to spare.


But in time you may wonder and think that it’s weird

how the birds flew away and the bees disappeared

Then the skies will be silent and no flora or tree

will be left in the wastes of the vast concrete sea.

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