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Cut inheritance tax, I'll pay more tax so some kids can get a free house

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when i leave my well earned money to my kids....don't expect them to be taxed on it.....should not have inheritance tax full stop.....don't they tax us enough....tax on this...tax on that.....


If you want your kids to have your money, give it to them, otherwise spend it on whatever you want to. When you're dead you have no control over it, nor shoud you.


From your kids point of view, why should they get lots of free untaxed money for doing nothing when other kids get nothing.


As to the point about the money already being taxed - all money is taxed multiple times, every time it is spent the chancellor skims off his cut in many ways.

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If you want your kids to have your money, give it to them, otherwise spend it on whatever you want to. When you're dead you have no control over it, nor shoud you.


From your kids point of view, why should they get lots of free untaxed money for doing nothing when other kids get nothing.


As to the point about the money already being taxed - all money is taxed multiple times, every time it is spent the chancellor skims off his cut in many ways.


because their parents worked hard for it and other kids parents didn't

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Socialists understand work far more than the fat cat capitalist who doesn't actually have to do any work to earn his money. Which leads to inheritance tax which, if removed, specifically allows someone to get money without working for it, which kind of negates your "socialists...." nonsense.


But I work hard and I'm not a fat cat (at least not the cat part)!

I pay my taxes and with what's left I pay a mortgage and feed the family. When I pop me clogs, the house I've worked hard to pay for I want to be passed to the people I choose, namely my kids (drains on my pocket that they are).

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The Tories are supposed to be cutting inheritance tax so it`s only payable on estates over one million pounds.

What that means is that I`ll end up paying more income tax so some spoilt kids can get left a free house without even paying tax on it.


No thanks.


If anything they should increase inheritance tax, and cut income tax, not the other way around.....


Increased? Inheritance tax should be renamed grave robbers theft tax. :rant::rant:

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They`re not paying it. They`ve shuffled off this mortal coil, they`ve gone to meet their maker, they, are ex-tax payers.

I, on the other hand, am, at the present time, a current tax payer, paying tax on my hard work. However you want to cut it, if you reduce inheritance tax, I have to pay more, bad, but worse, someone who hasn`t even worked for the dosh they have received, gets to keep even more of it.

I hate to see anyone get anything they haven`t earnt through, preferably hard, work.


The concept of family mean anything to you? If ones parents work damn hard to support themselves and their next generations once they have gone they should not have some socialist government taking it off them to give to those who can't be arsed because the authorities will see them right no matter whether they choose to even work or not!

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But tax has already been paid on it once, why should it be paid a second time?


(and I use the word "paid" quite loosely)


You could say that about a lot of taxes. I work in transport. Last year, I paid the government £7.000 in tax on fuel before I'd paid a penny income tax. We all pay taxes multiple times. It is true that if they cut inheritance tax for the wealthy, they'll just take the shortfall off the less wealthy,

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Socialists understand work far more than the fat cat capitalist who doesn't actually have to do any work to earn his money. Which leads to inheritance tax which, if removed, specifically allows someone to get money without working for it, which kind of negates your "socialists...." nonsense.


Why should I work for something my family already owned. When I inherit my parents fortunes why should socialist sid or who ever is president at the time take a load of it off me.


Imagine I get a house thats been in the family a few generations but can't get a re-mortgage, I have to sell it to pay the tax. That's disgusting. If we've got a really socialist government in charge they will then take said house, put it back on the council housing stock pile and fill it with druggies or refugees! Discusting


Oh, but the alternative to socialism is greed huh? Thats why there would still be tax on anything worth more than a mil is it?


The conservatives are as appalled by the very concept of inheritance tax as I am but realise that if you've got millions given to you, that you can afford to make a charitable contribution to your country.


Oh, and the greedy fat cats are likely to be passing down or inheriting houses in excess of a million pounds. You mean the conservatives are taxing the fat cats still.. Ohhhh, fancy that!!!


It's like I said, the Conservatives support working class and lower middle class people. Labour or an even more socialist version of the present debacle can't touch the rich so that saft the upper working classes and lower middle classes (which in a perfect world would be everyone).......

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