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Cut inheritance tax, I'll pay more tax so some kids can get a free house

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I didn't ask anything at all.

What's the matter don't you like the fact that the minimum wage has increased by around £2000/year. That's 13% you know. Not too bad considering the financial mess Labour got us into.


You queried it in post #303.


I was merely answering that question. You seem to have a political bent to everything you post I was merely providing you with the facts.


The equivalent inflation figure for those 5 years is 19.77%.


The gross benefit of min wage will be dependant upon hours worked. Many people work part time so the increase in gross earnings will be propertionately less than the figure you give.

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I can read the news but I prefer not to take the left wing bias from the Mirror or Guadian.



If you only read the news from sources which support your political leanings, then you're almost certainly not going to see the full picture.


Personally I read the telegraph and the guardian, and I assume that the real story lies somewhere between the spin they both put on it.

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If you only read the news from sources which support your political leanings, then you're almost certainly not going to see the full picture.


Personally I read the telegraph and the guardian, and I assume that the real story lies somewhere between the spin they both put on it.


But then that means you have to spin their spin. No wonder you're so confused. My information on such matters comes from Hargreaves Lansdown.


I'm OK with my view on the subject. I'll leave my estate to my family and put my cross on the ballot for the party that will allow me to do just that.

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It means you have some chance of forming a balanced view, since they're at opposite ends of the political spectrum.


I think we've demonstrated a lack of knowledge on your part and a lack of confusion on mine in this thread.


You try to get current affairs news from a financial company? Now that's going to be a source of confusion.

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It means you have some chance of forming a balanced view, since they're at opposite ends of the political spectrum.


I think we've demonstrated a lack of knowledge on your part and a lack of confusion on mine in this thread.


You try to get current affairs news from a financial company? Now that's going to be a source of confusion.


No I ask them for financial advice. The information regarding party policy is not in doubt or up for debate. Do you think Labour would reverse the increase IT limit if they won an election? It seems to be causing you rather a lot of confusion.

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And I'm sure they give some. But we aren't talking about financial advice are we.


I haven't expressed an opinion on what Labour might do, so what makes you think there's any confusion?


Well what would you need to read 2 papers to learn about inheritance tax then? I'm sure they can't teach someone like you who imagines they know everything a thing.


But I know how to hand my wealth over to my family without interesting the tax man. And I didn't need to read the Daily Mirror to learn that.

Edited by exxon
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If you will be lucky enough to have £1million estate to pass on to your offspring, then obviously a policy to not tax this when you die will appeal to you.


I suppose the selfish might not look any further than that. Vote for what's best for themselves, rather than what's best for the country. That is precisely who the conservatives appeal to though. The big con they've pulled is that they convinced millions of people that they were in that category, when in fact they weren't. The working poor voted conservative on the basis that they'd be better off, but they aren't.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 14:20 ----------


Well what would you need to read 2 papers to learn about inheritance tax then? I'm sure they can't teach someone like you who imagines they know everything a thing.


It was you who wouldn't read the guardian or the mirror, remember?


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 14:21 ----------


I can read the news but I prefer not to take the left wing bias from the Mirror or Guadian.


And that was with reference to you not having realised that the NHS was being sold off... When you asked for proof... And I provided it.


Or did you forget that already.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 14:21 ----------


Which parts of the NHS have been sold off?


You seem to have a very short memory for what you've said and asked don't you.

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If you will be lucky enough to have £1million estate to pass on to your offspring, then obviously a policy to not tax this when you die will appeal to you.


I suppose the selfish might not look any further than that. Vote for what's best for themselves, rather than what's best for the country. That is precisely who the conservatives appeal to though. The big con they've pulled is that they convinced millions of people that they were in that category, when in fact they weren't. The working poor voted conservative on the basis that they'd be better off, but they aren't.


I don't know that luck comes into it. I'll vote for what is best for me and best for the country. You see I don't need the Daily Mirror I can get all the bad advice I need from you and then ignore it. You are starting to sound like a Labour Party political broadcast.


So what do you think Corbyn would do about inheritance tax?


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 14:32 ----------



It was you who wouldn't read the guardian or the mirror, remember?

And that was with reference to you not having realised that the NHS was being sold off... When you asked for proof... And I provided it.



No you didn't you merely linked to some left wing propaganda. If as you say you read 2 papers you could just as easily have quoted an article that said Labour privatised twice as much as the coalition. But you ignored that bit.


Here you are I'll do it for you.



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If you don't believe that luck comes into it, starting with the luck of being born who you are in the UK, then you've really no concept of the lack of social mobility or how advantageous being born to the correct parents is.

Best for you and best for the country will not necessarily coincide.

I'm not giving you any advice, you're pretty confused if you think discussion is advice.

And I'm certainly not a labour supporter. You'd have to be blind to think that I was from what I'm posting.


I didn't say that Labour hadn't started privatising the NHS, that doesn't alter the Conservatives continuing to do so. Good attempt at strawman though, if a little transparent.

Are you actually trying to deny it? Or just trying to blow smoke so that nobody notices the real issue?

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