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Cut inheritance tax, I'll pay more tax so some kids can get a free house

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If you don't believe that luck comes into it, starting with the luck of being born who you are in the UK, then you've really no concept of the lack of social mobility or how advantageous being born to the correct parents is.

Best for you and best for the country will not necessarily coincide.

I'm not giving you any advice, you're pretty confused if you think discussion is advice.

And I'm certainly not a labour supporter. You'd have to be blind to think that I was from what I'm posting.


I didn't say that Labour hadn't started privatising the NHS, that doesn't alter the Conservatives continuing to do so. Good attempt at strawman though, if a little transparent.

Are you actually trying to deny it? Or just trying to blow smoke so that nobody notices the real issue?


I thought I was keeping you off the streets. But yes I am lucky. I could have been born you.


But it is good to know that my selfishness at the ballot box made no difference to the NHS. That was just a strawman from you.

Edited by exxon
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But it is good to know that my selfishness at the ballot box made no difference to the NHS.


give it time, you know the conservatives are more adept at selling the heirlooms than labour.

from my perspective labour used pfi rather than actual privatisation to 'provide' whichever service that needed money with capital, the tories are more prone to selling the actual thing rather than raising loans against it.


It produces the worst possible outcome the good/profitable is sold and the bad is given a credit card to see it through.


Your selfishness will come home to roost but ironically it might not be your home it roosts in...

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Those figures (whilst correct or thereabouts) are irrelevant.


Any increase in income tax hits those who have little money the hardest.

A massive increase (and don't say that from 0.35m to 1m isn't massive, it's nearly a 200% increase) in IHT only benefits the well off.



Not irrelevant at all. My point was that inheritance tax is such a minute proportion of the tax take, and the burden of tax take mainly falls on the rich anyway, that any tiny effect on income tax for the other 90% is barely noticeable. Besides, the Tories aren't raising income tax to pay for the inheritance tax threshold, they're actually cutting income tax by raising the threshold for it much faster than inflation. The fact is, even in Sheffield, most people are naturally conservative (small c) whether they like to admit it or not.

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give it time, you know the conservatives are more adept at selling the heirlooms than labour.

from my perspective labour used pfi rather than actual privatisation to 'provide' whichever service that needed money with capital, the tories are more prone to selling the actual thing rather than raising loans against it.


It produces the worst possible outcome the good/profitable is sold and the bad is given a credit card to see it through.


Your selfishness will come home to roost but ironically it might not be your home it roosts in...


Oh dear. Didn't I vote for your team either? That's a real shame because I'm quite happy with it myself. I'm pretty sure that I've taken care of the contingencies. If the majority of the electorate want to vote in another government in the future that's up to them. But with Corbyn in charge of Labour I wouldn't hold my breath.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 20:34 ----------


Barely noticeable in terms of income to the government.


Massively noticeable by those who are already on the bread line.


So increasing income tax thresholds was a good thing then. They will also be glad that the deficit is coming down and the level of debt passed on to their kids won't keep growing.

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Most lib dem driven policies were good things.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 21:27 ----------


Who, as I've just said, will be paying no more income tax - increases to the threshold mean they pay less.


But the massive cuts to in work benefits will of course mean that they have a net lower income.

Don't pretend that the poor aren't being made worse off in every way under this government.

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But the massive cuts to in work benefits will of course mean that they have a net lower income.

Don't pretend that the poor aren't being made worse off in every way under this government.



Tax credits need reform - tick.


Inheritance tax threshold needs raising given house price rises - tick.



Some people have chosen to work part time hours and let the taxpayer subsidise the rest of their income. The party is over.

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Tax credits need reform - tick.


Inheritance tax threshold needs raising given house price rises - tick.



Some people have chosen to work part time hours and let the taxpayer subsidise the rest of their income. The party is over.

Spot on, it's about time some realised there's no such thing as a free lunch,

(Only a cheap one) but some have been content for others to feed them.

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Tax credits need reform - tick.


Inheritance tax threshold needs raising given house price rises - tick.



Some people have chosen to work part time hours and let the taxpayer subsidise the rest of their income. The party is over.


People swallow Tory Spin - tick.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 21:49 ----------


Spot on, it's about time some realised there's no such thing as a free lunch,

(Only a cheap one) but some have been content for others to feed them.


From what you've said, you're one of the group that are going to lose out.


Did you feel like you were getting a free lunch that someone else paid for?

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