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Cut inheritance tax, I'll pay more tax so some kids can get a free house

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I don't see why so many of my posts were removed, so I'll have to reiterate a handful of Tory policies off the top of my head that benefit working and/or middle class people:


- Raising the income tax threshold

- Raising the inheritance tax threshold

- Fixing stamp duty to avoid artificial price barriers (eg. £250k)

- Introducing a national minimum living wage

- 30 free hours childcare a week

- Up to £1,000 a year savings interest earned tax free

- A once in a lifetime vote on the EU



Most people in England are naturally conservative and believe in hard work, low tax and low welfare. Raising the inheritance tax threshold, to stop it catching ordinary people on the back of house price rises, appeals to that nature.

Edited by WiseOwl182
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Because the 37% is relatively large compared to other parties' vote totals?


Doesn't by any means qualify them as "most" does it... Not if you know what the word means.


They are simply the largest minority.


For reference, Labour got 30.4% of the vote.


Not that huge a difference from the largest minority to be honest.


And only 65% of the eligible voters actually bothered.


The SNP got 4.7 and the Lib Dems 7.9 (but the SNP have 50 commons seats and the Lib Dems about 8)... It's like we don't really run a democratic system at all actually.

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Doesn't by any means qualify them as "most" does it... Not if you know what the word means.


They are simply the largest minority.


For reference, Labour got 30.4% of the vote.


Not that huge a difference from the largest minority to be honest.


And only 65% of the eligible voters actually bothered.


The SNP got 4.7 and the Lib Dems 7.9 (but the SNP have 50 commons seats and the Lib Dems about 8)... It's like we don't really run a democratic system at all actually.

Doesn't matter. It's first past the post that wins.

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What doesn't matter?


I was just refuting that "most" people in the UK were conservatives.


So what share of support does your lot enjoy?


---------- Post added 03-11-2015 at 20:06 ----------


Doesn't matter. It's first past the post that wins.


The Tories got 21.4% more votes than Labour. I'd say that's a pretty conclusive verdict.

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What doesn't matter?


I was just refuting that "most" people in the UK were conservatives.


Conservative with a small c. Add to the 37.1% a further 13% UKIP and you have a conservative absolute majority, right over left. That's before you even consider the many Labour and even Lib Dem voters who would never vote Tory but if you analysed their actual political leanings they'd be considered conservative (small c).


Also, remember I said England and not the UK, as Scotland and Wales are more left wing. Percent Tory and UKIP in England alone would show the English are naturally conservative beyond a doubt.

Edited by WiseOwl182
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Libdem voters who are conservative with a small c... You'll have to explain what this kind of conservativeness means, I'm intrigued. It's clearly nothing like the political conservativeness of the Tory party.


It seems popular enough to me. It's odd that you are too ashamed to tell us about your own political leanings. Why so shy. Is it really that embarassing?


But on the subject of inheritance tax. We will soon be able to leave a million quid to our kids tax free. That's a result.

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