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Cut inheritance tax, I'll pay more tax so some kids can get a free house

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Tories understand that they work in favour of it, since people are far more likely to work hard and try to better themselves if they can pass the results of their labour on to their children. Knowing it will all get swallowed up by the Government is an incredibly powerful disincentive.


Not so sure about that one as those that inherited that money can hardly claim with any legitimacy that they've got to where they have by their own hard work.


And how can any government claim to be in favour of a system of rewarding those that work hard with a system that disproportinately rigs the system in favour of those at the top of the pile?


For example I was just been watching the telly & saw an advert about how the government are 'cracking down' on benefit thieves and I wondered what a shame it is that the Government (and the press) aren't as censorious when it comes to the wealthy avoiding tax. I don't think people should fiddle benefits but nor should the wealthy avoid paying their fair share.

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Not so sure about that one as those that inherited that money can hardly claim with any legitimacy that they've got to where they have by their own hard work.



Nor did I say that they can, but if you actually read what I posted you'll see why inheritance tax works against the idea of people working towards their own prosperity.

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For example I was just been watching the telly & saw an advert about how the government are 'cracking down' on benefit thieves and I wondered what a shame it is that the Government (and the press) aren't as censorious when it comes to the wealthy avoiding tax. I don't think people should fiddle benefits but nor should the wealthy avoid paying their fair share.



Then be at ease; any of the wealthy who try to avoid paying their fair share get slung in jail for tax evasion.


You may be thinking of the numerous ways they can avoid paying more than their fair share, but then, why should they? That would, by definition, not be fair.

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Nothing whatsoever to do with any war. It has nothing to do with class (in fact the person i quoted was the one who brought class into it, not me). It has nothing to do with snobbery.


What it does have to do with is the "I'm alright jack, so screw the rest of you" attitude certain people on here have. These are the same people that then complain about public services, but don't believe that they should have to pay for them.


I believe that those with more money should pay more towards helping those with less money. That includes me, (I pay higher rate tax) or does telling you that not help with your little caricature of me as a "tight little red ball"?


Good point well made.


Why do people retort that any move toward the amelioration of gross inequality is all about the politics of envy? Is that a reflection of a misguided superiority complex, or do those with more money think that everyone is as avaricious as them?

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Why do people retort that any move toward the amelioration of gross inequality is all about the politics of envy?



It can't be the politics of pragmatism, since it's been proven conclusively, and many times over, that socialist regimes simply do not work. Indeed, a good rule of thumb is that the bigger disparity between the richest tenth and the poorest tenth, the better off the country is.


So if it's not about actually helping the poor, what can it be about except hammering the rich because they're rich?

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It can't be the politics of pragmatism, since it's been proven conclusively, and many times over, that socialist regimes simply do not work. Indeed, a good rule of thumb is that the bigger disparity between the richest tenth and the poorest tenth, the better off the country is.


So if it's not about actually helping the poor, what can it be about except hammering the rich because they're rich?


The better off the country is in terms of poor health, crime and inequality? Not so, plenty of evidence ont' net about how inequality is damaging.

I could be wrong but I'm sure I read that those with highest inequality rates are prone to more 'violent' swings in the business cycles.

But on your general point I was talking about social democracy. I think the credit crunch has demonstrated that the Anglo Saxon model is bankrupt

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It can't be the politics of pragmatism, since it's been proven conclusively, and many times over, that socialist regimes simply do not work.


Here we go again. Which "regimes" are we talking about here and do they embody the entirity of socialistic thought?

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The Tories are supposed to be cutting inheritance tax so it`s only payable on estates over one million pounds.

What that means is that I`ll end up paying more income tax so some spoilt kids can get left a free house without even paying tax on it.


No thanks.


If anything they should increase inheritance tax, and cut income tax, not the other way around.....


Let me consider this on election night!


The Government has 3.1 Billion quid to dispose of, it can give this to Schools, Hospitals or create some jobs, alternatively it can give it to a handful of well-off people.


I think I know which option would get my vote, can't believe others would even consider the second option.

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Not so sure about that one as those that inherited that money can hardly claim with any legitimacy that they've got to where they have by their own hard work.


And how can any government claim to be in favour of a system of rewarding those that work hard with a system that disproportinately rigs the system in favour of those at the top of the pile?


My bold - so a retired person in the 60s who inherit from their parent who's just passed away in the 80s or 90s, they haven't worked for anything in their life? Nope they've gone all through their life, just waiting till the day the parents are gone, then finally at the age of sixty odd, they'll get a bit of money. :loopy:


The tax system is already rigged to tax people that work hard, and the more you earn the more you pay.

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