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Iconic Sheffield "stores"

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Hi Jen

Hows it going ?


Not certain if its the same shop, but there was one like you are describing and it was called Pippy's, just up a side street at the top of the Moor


Hey Jongo


They both said it was definitely above Virgin at the bottom of the moor. They may well have gone to Pippy's aswell though (maybe just my mum - sounds like a woman's shop).


Thanks anyway. :thumbsup:

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My Mum always got her special clothes from Carols on Eccy Road, this was there for years and has only recently closed I think. When we were down on Eccy Road she used to take me to "Butterfly" a boutique owned by Marti Cane as a treat. I was always in awe of the lovely things sold in there. Butterfly is still there but I don't know who owns it these days


Pippys was an awesome shop, we used to get little naughties from there such as our small bottles of liquid gold (poppers) for our Friday nights in Sinatras etc.....

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Yes, it was at the bottom of the Moor, between Young Street and the corner of Ecclesall Road which is just out of sight to the left of the photo. I don't think there would have been a bus stop so close to the pedestrian crossing; it might be a NO ENTRY sign behind the man with the shopping bag - I seem to think Ellin Street was one-way from Hereford Street to the Moor. What looks like a canopy at the right-hand side is, I think, the strip-lighting for a large advertising hoarding that stood on the corner of Ellin Street - it can be seen in this 1950s photo taken from just across the Moor. This photo also shows Lamb's drapers' shop - James Lamb, a native of Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, had moved to Sheffield and opened a shop on the corner of Ellin Street as early as the 1880s. He prospered, bought the neighbouring land and built the premises visible in the photo. An earlier photo shows Lamb's building at the extreme right - the tramlines in the foreground curve to the left towards Ecclesall Road. On the corner at the far left can be seen part of Sawer's sweet shop (click on "Zoom" to enlarge as with all these photos). Shepherd Sawer's business was almost as old as Lambs - the shop opened in the 1890s.


Needless to say, all these buildings disappeared when the land was cleared for the Manpower Services Commission building in the 1970s (if not before).


Thanks for all this, Hillsboro. When I was in Sheffield last summer, I couldn't relate at all to the bottom of the Moor, except for the familiar roof of the old Locarno building, now (what else) a supermarket.


What caught my eye about that old ad was the price of the furniture in guineas. Sixty nine and a half. Pocket calculators hadn't been invented then, but shoppers would have had no problem in doing the math:


69 guineas = 69 pounds + 69 shillings =72 pounds 9s. Then add half a guinea = 10s 6d. Grand total 72pounds 19s 6d.


"I don't know why them foreigners can't underdstand our money system," my old grandmother used to say. When they changed to a decimal system, she used to have a woman down the road do her shopping and convert everything back into the old system so she could understand it.


A bit off topic for this thread but thought I'd just throw it in.

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There was a shop above Virgin that sold kind of hippie clothing and stuff which my mum and dad used to go to (my dad still has some patchouli essence he got from there in the early 70s - not that he wears it now!). When they've told me about this shop in the past though, neither of them can remember if it was a seperate shop or just tied in with the Virgin record shop below. Do you know by any chance?


The shop above Virgin was part of the Virgin record shop.I remember seeing Gong play a free gig on the waste land at the side of the shop in Virgins very early days.Other shops down there were Lewis Leathers,Bensons carpets,a music shop(Fox's?)and I think a Thorntons.

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The shop above Virgin was part of the Virgin record shop.I remember seeing Gong play a free gig on the waste land at the side of the shop in Virgins very early days.Other shops down there were Lewis Leathers,Bensons carpets,a music shop(Fox's?)and I think a Thorntons.


Thanks shanes teeth. My dad may well have been at that gig too - he's a fan (as am I).


Cheers :thumbsup:

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So rogG, what's it like living in Canada ?

You know in South Yorkshire...tell it how it is !

Should I have got on the bus to Southampton in 1941 ?

I'm sorry it's not about old shops but the ones I remember, the streets arn't there any more let alone the shops.



I hated it for the first 6 months I was over here, then for the past 40 years have loved it. It's such a big country though. Although I've lived in a big city (Vancouver) I prefer the rural style of living on Prince Edward Island, before that Newfoundland.


Don't know about the bus to Southampton. Never been there. 41 would have been during war time. What were you doing going there?


Back to Sheffield. I know what you mean about missing the streets. The ones in my old 'hood have been mostly demolished to make way for giant roundabouts and super trams. The old character of the place has suffered. Yes, it's upsetting to those of us who still remember the way it used to be. But, the younger generation would probably see it differently.

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Rog, at the start of the war when the bombs started dropping children were offered a free passage to Canada. I think my father got as far as filling in the form !

Just imagine not being able to go to Italy every year ! This should be a new thread about evacuees, sorry folks.

Iconic shops ? does anyone remember the Hobbies shop on St. Paul's Parade ?

Not a shop, but in the early days sold contemporary furniture, JUST COOKING !! on Carver St. Why can't you get food like that anymore, unless you cook it yourself of course.


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