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Did Anyone Go To Earl Marshal School?

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Hi Samandnay


I've tried PMing you but you've less than 10 posts, so can't use PM yet. Yes, we all remember Tracy very well, she was on all the trips that Debbie and Steve did - yes, my son was on them too so you may remember them both! I think she may have gone to Thornbridge too as they often used to go for weekends with the youth club (both my kids loved it there). I can also recall a party (celebrating one of the France/Belgium trips) where they all had such a good time, they stayed over at Gwen's as they were all rather drunk!!! I had to collect my two from the club the following day and they spent the rest of the day in bed recovering :hihi: :hihi: - serves them right!!!


If you can post another message, I can PM you re photos, trips etc


haha yes i seem to remember my mum telling me about the kids all getting drunk once or twice, how naughty lol, would love to see the pics and stuff you have, not sure how many posts i have now tho? like i said before i have some great pics but havent had a chance to sort through them yet but i will do soon!

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dave kirkland, john roberts, dave mail, mick knowles, eric needham, graham higging (expelled!) tracy fitzagerald, dot gordon, barry renwick, gary atkinson, mick kettle, anyone out there from the class of 1974 or anyone else?

Hi Mikey10

elaine kirk, susan beeman, sharon murdoch, pam suttle, christine holland, judith innocent, susan dickinson, martin foster, paul whittaker(dillon), sharon sharp, fay francis, sharon harrison, glynis kerkhoff, micheal tomkinson - snap! must be the same year

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you would have known me as "George"

i hung around with Jill Wildman, Stephen Richardson ,Colin Gent ,or yes and Sharon Cook ,yes the minger!!!!!! sorry SHaron but you did.....lol


dont remember those, i was in same yr as sharon lewin, mathew richardson, simon tate, paul bennet, hughie tomlinson? and a girl called cassandra, sonia preston. the ones a yr below i remember are ronnie lewin, joe fowler, martin reed? think there was a girl called cadra(or kadra) who was somalian. isn't it hard to remember names when you havent seen them for years. does any of these help

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Yes it is, Im her daughter samantha, I remember going to the cafe when i was very small!


Hi Samantha

... And I remember you going in the cafe when you were younger. I knew your mum from the youth club. I had a baby during the time she was there. I used to run a mother and baby club there and your mum gave me a few pointers about childcare. I really liked your mum she was cool and really easy to talk to.

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hi juan, i remember you,i think you may know my sister francine wills? i also loved mrs parrsih and music. she was my fav teacher.


Hi Katkins, not logged on for a bit. Yeah, I remember your sister Francine. Say hi from me next time you speak to her.

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Hi Samantha

... And I remember you going in the cafe when you were younger. I knew your mum from the youth club. I had a baby during the time she was there. I used to run a mother and baby club there and your mum gave me a few pointers about childcare. I really liked your mum she was cool and really easy to talk to.


Im sorry i dont remember a mother n baby group but if you tell me your name my brother might, i cant remember a great deal bout that time caus i was so small but i remeber going to the youth club and some of the christmas plays and holidays that we went on, its great to hear from people who remember my mum though, everyone thought she was cool and i think she was too, in my teenage years our house was like a youth club lol

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