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What do Atheists think happens when you die ?

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Yeah, that makes more sense to me, Thanks for that plekhanov.


Maybe the OP would humour me by re-naming the thread; "What do the self proclaimed atheists who are not actually atheists, if they believe in an afterlife, yet mock those that believe in god/s, think happens when you die?.:hihi:

What are you blithering about? As has already been established you can be an atheist and believe in life after death. You can't be a materialist, naturalist, sceptic... and beleive in life after death but there is zero conflict between athiesm and a belief in an afterlife.


How can you not understand this? It's really very simple.

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I am no such thing!:o


I'm not really loyal enough to anyone to call myself a fan, but it's possible sometimes hear Bramall lane from the house I grew up in so I have to say Sheff U, and in the Premiership I have Arsenal as my second team, like many others.


I'd go as far as to say I prefer City to Man U, but then again so does everyone except for Man U fans.

You aren't? I felt sure I'd seen you express support for them in the General Sports forum, must have got you confused with someone else I suppose.

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(2) If you look up Romans 5 the bible teaches that it was through the man that sin and death came about. Ms Stanton is just plain wrong - "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin..."

So lets see, the Bible is not sexist because this passage tells us it was not women to blame but men. That's not sexist then? :huh:


If apologists want to focus on this passage and ignore all the others, some of which have been posted by plekhanov, then fine but don't expect such cherry picking to convince those of us that have actually read the Bible.


Not forgetting that we are always being told not to read single passages out of context.


5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:


5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.


5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.


The idea of original sin remains. Somebody committed it, and everyone is blamed for it.

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I appreciate that, but believing in the spirits of dead people and accepting that after death, the human soul can return in another body, yet dismissing the existance of god/s:confused:


It stands to reason that a lot of atheists reject the idea of god because they are interested in or involved in science type things, and will therefore not believe in any other supernatural theory of how the world works BUT, you can't expect them all to be like that, anymore than you could expect that nobody who shops at Netto could own an expensive sports car.

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What are you blithering about? As has already been established you can be an atheist and believe in life after death. You can't be a materialist, naturalist, sceptic... and beleive in life after death but there is zero conflict between athiesm and a belief in an afterlife.


How can you not understand this? It's really very simple.


It's you that have misunderstood, I wasn't being critical about atheists, I was making a joke about those that consider themselves to be atheist, despite poking fun at theists yet believing in an afterlife.

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It's you that have misunderstood, I wasn't being critical about atheists, I was making a joke about those that consider themselves to be atheist, despite poking fun at theists yet believing in an afterlife.

But how many of the atheists who 'poke fun at theists' actually believe in an afterlife?


I didn't notice any active atheists who contributed to this thread expressing a belief in an afterlife, so who exactly are you making a joke about?

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It stands to reason that a lot of atheists reject the idea of god because they are interested in or involved in science type things, and will therefore not believe in any other supernatural theory of how the world works BUT, you can't expect them all to be like that, anymore than you could expect that nobody who shops at Netto could own an expensive sports car.


you are well named==donkey

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It's you that have misunderstood, I wasn't being critical about atheists, I was making a joke about those that consider themselves to be atheist, despite poking fun at theists yet believing in an afterlife.



yes-thats clear enough

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