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What do Atheists think happens when you die ?

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What's the alternative? Going to heaven for eternity witout a body? All those little children up there and babies. I wonder what they do for ever. Plus, what if your loved ones didn't make it. You would know for eternity that they were being tortured in the fires of hell.


Do believers actually consider this rubbish or do they just like the wishy washy notion of not dying when they are dead?

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I find it somewhat surprising that many of the posts on this thread refer to what happens to the physical human body after death ('we rot away' etc).

Is it not rather trite and pointless to post platitudes so blindingly obvious (as they are supported by the undeniable evidence of milions of decaying corpses around the world)? Particularly when the original question was obviously referring to our spiritual existences.

Everyone of course is entitled to their opinion, but to summarily dismiss phenomena, hypothetical or otherwise, on a subject that one knows nothing about, can only be described as condescending dogmatism

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I find it somewhat surprising that many of the posts on this thread refer to what happens to the physical human body after death ('we rot away' etc).

Is it not rather trite and pointless to post platitudes so blindingly obvious (as they are supported by the undeniable evidence of milions of decaying corpses around the world)? Particularly when the original question was obviously referring to our spiritual existences.


What spiritual existence?


As far as I'm aware there is no such thing as a 'spiritual existence', do you have any evidence to the contrary?

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Theists belief its either or heaven or hell.

What do atheists think happens when you've gone ?


"We either get burned to ash or rot in the ground like most people do , some believe there is life after death, good luck to them.

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If we look at the Bible to see what it tells us about death we learn:


1) We came from dust and will return to dust. (The grave) (Genesis 3:19)


2) We return to the earth and our thoughts perish. (The grave) (Psalms 146:4)


3) The soul that sins will die. (And return to the earth) (Eze 18:20)


4) In the grave, the dead "know nothing," neither pleasure nor pain, and there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. (Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 10)


5) People who don't believe in Christ shall not receive eternal life. (John 3:16)


6) Everlasting destruction is having no way to undo the decisions we made in life. (2Thessalonians 1:9)


7) The wicked will suffer a second death, the death of the soul. (Revelation 21:8)


8) Not to be afraid of those who kill the body but to be afraid of those who destroy both body and soul in Hell. (Matthew 10:28)


The word for Hell here is the Valley of Hinnom which is just outside Jerusalem where child sacrifice was practised by burning. For people to destroy the body is fairly easy, but to firstly destroy the soul especially while they are still living is a most terrible condemnation of those who do it and they themselves must surely be dead in spirit and truth already even though they are still physically alive. For those people and the people around them, life must already be a living Hell.


Both 'sheol' and ‘hades’ translate as ‘grave’ and the whole concept of death and the grave is wholly in line with what actually happens. I believe 'Hell' is simply the grave (sheol and hades) and that "Hell Fire" is is the funeral pyre depending on your mode of dispatch. Eternity imo means what is done is for all eternity, not that we burn for eternity. The only difference between the atheist and those born again is that all being well the believer will meet their Lord and Saviour in Glory.


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Atheists simply don't believe in god/s there's nothing to atheism beyond that including no position upon what happens after death, beyond of course ruling out anything involving gods.


I think that when you die that's it you cease to be though the matter you were made of goes on as does whatever effect you had upon the world. But there's no reason I couldn't believe in reincarnation, ghosts... and not still correctly call myself an atheist.


You are making a mistake many theists do which is assuming that atheism is a belief system it isn't, it is simply a negation of the central tenet of numerous pervasive belief systems.


I believe the original poster asked what Atheist's thought happened to them after death, not what they believed!

I don't think they have made any mistake at all.

Can I suggest you re read the original post

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