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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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Does anyone have any particular memories (or even better - photos) of this infamous Sheffield Nightclub ?


What was the music like ?


The atmosphere ?


The decor ?


And how often did you visit and did you enjoy it ?


Memories please...

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i used to go every friday night, god ive got dodgy photos but i cant show them cause of my dodgy hair and dress sense. i used to like the little room where they played more r & B tunes. met a couple of boyfriends in there, had a few snogs haha a certain bouncer would never let me in when he was on the door, for being underage but i wasnt, remember having to q for what seemed like forever. do have some great memories though, but i do cringe now. i was devasted when it closed, lol

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Cairo's!! What a magnificent establishment! :clap: I have so many memories of great nights there with friends when I first started out on the clubbing scene.


There were two rooms, the main room played 70's, 80's & 90's cheesy dance hits whilst the other room next door played the best R&B songs ever.


There were plenty of darkened cubbyholes to sit in with whatever you managed to pull. The atmosphere was always great and you could guarantee you'd meet someone you knew in there. I've still even got my Cairo's card.:cool:


Top place! you could always get trashed in 'Silks' next door before going in . . . this later changed it's name to 'Vaultz'.

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Yukky place - remember songs like Jacko's Bad and ofcause Rick Astley. It was nothing more than yer average school disco.


Full of drunk 17 year olds doing Oops Upside Your Head sat on the floor having consumed one too many Babychams.


My bones chill at the memories.

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