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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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La Belle = the girl


What does Sandrine mean (dare I ask) ??!!!


Doesn't La Belle translate as "The Good"?? So it would be "The Good" something.

Mind you it is a long time since i took French at school.

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Does anyone remember the afternoon Christmas office parties that Cairos, and before that Romeo and Juliets, used to have usually on the last working day before the Christmas break?? They were from 12 noon through to 3pm.

Before working at Cairos i used to work on Snig Hill at the Police HQ building (office worker i hasten to add) and it was the highlight of the year when we took the girls from our office across the road for a few drinks and a boogie.

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Can you remember the woman who worked the cloakroom? Her name was Carol.....curly blond hair, possibly a bubble perm.

God, i had some great chats with her when i was on my break. Always used to give good advice when any of us had girl trouble and the like, which was quite often.

She used to live at Stannington, i think, because she was always in the same staff taxi as me on the way home.

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Yes I remember Carol - think it was the hair! She used to sit in the ladies sometimes as well and everyone knew her. Always there for a chat! Bet she's seen some sights in there! If it wasn't someone crying their eyes out because they'd just been dumped, it was someone being sick cause they'd had one too many! Oh yes I remember it well!

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  • 9 months later...

I have many happy memories of Cairo Jax on friday nights out with the lads 'on the pull' but probably the funniest thing to happen was in the mid 80's when Steve Wright from Radio 1 at the time, made a personal appearance. We were all crowded round the front of the stage when he asked for a volunteer. He picked me. 'The man with the light perm' he said which was the state of my hair at the time! He then poured a bucket of sludge over my head which must have been made of porridge and stuck to every part of my body. Was a great laugh though!!! Great place.

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