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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i first of all remember cairos under 18 night on a tuesday, playing kris cross, and jump jump. Oh and when I went to corporation, bathroom doors hanging off, but a very good head banging nte, loved those days where are they now, oh thats rte i grew up, had kids and now no life. lol sob sob sob

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  • 2 months later...

oh my god cairo jacks was bad boy i had with drawal symtoms if i didnt go i always said i wernt going but ended up there, they were the days when everybody liked everybody and u were safe, wicked tunes and wicked people its never been the same since from there we used to go to josephines loved it. not the same now adays tho xx

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met the mrs there, 1987 OMG cant be that long ago!

that was when people went out to have fun and get dressed up sadly unlike today.

too many drugs n fights, at least on west st anyhoo, cheese and disco in the big room and that new house music in the back room.

I even once bought a bird chicken in a basket (to impress?)

hahah good times!

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  • 6 months later...
Hi Ian,


How are you doin? I remember you well from those heady days at Cairos. Still some of the best days of my life.

You came in just before Paul (and eventually me) left.

I remember the day i came in to clear my own records out as if it were yesterday.

At the time i remember being really gutted that the management hadn't offered me the residency but i don't think i held it against you.

It just grated slightly that i had been Paul's right hand man for the best part of 3 years and yet they didn't even consider me.......I don't think i was that crap a DJ, was I????

I virtually did the whole of one New Years Eve because Paul was so drunk he couldn't work the decks.

Anyhow, after i left Paul did offer me a residency at a club in Bradford but i decided it wasn't for me. At the time you could have cut me in half and Cairos would have been written through me....Other gigs didn't interest me. Probably the wrong decision looking back, but hey.

Tristan, remember him, tried to persuade me to come back to Silks but i didn't accept after having a bit of a scrap with a lad called Shaun who worked on the bar in Silks.

I don't DJ knowadays unfortunately. Last gig was around 1992 but miss it like hell.

I got married to a girl i met in Cairos not long after leaving but am divorced from her with 2 kids (18 and 16). I remarried (not to her though) in 2004 and have a 20 month old son.


I still have some tapes that we used to record direct from the decks in Cairos and one of them does feature yourself as DJ. My next project is to transfer them to CD somehow.


I do recall Paul Kinsey. Like you say, a top bloke and great manager....unlike the regional guy Tony Spragg. Also remember JO JO, the Lady Jay and Louise.

God, they were good times.

Do you know of Paul's whereabouts these days??


I will attempt to get those photos uploaded but the scanner is a little temperamental at present. Keep an eye out for them.


Take Care

Steve Knight


hi knighty i was the magician at cairos must have been there same time as you as paul baron got me to go there

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